On June 20, 2024, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) issued a notice regarding Coordinated Blanket Order 31-930 - Exemption to Allow Exempt Market Dealer Participation in Selling Groups in Offerings of Securities...more
Dans le cadre de sa mission visant à favoriser la formation de capital et des marchés financiers concurrentiels, la Commission des valeurs mobilières de l’Ontario (la « CVMO ») a récemment lancé des initiatives temporaires...more
As part of its mandate to foster capital formation and competitive capital markets, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has recently introduced certain time-limited initiatives to improve access to capital for early-stage...more
Pour de nombreuses entreprises en démarrage et en expansion, la propriété intellectuelle (« PI ») est une composante cruciale de leur avantage concurrentiel et, par conséquent, est essentielle à leur succès global et à leur...more
For many startups and scaleups, intellectual property (IP) is crucial to the company’s competitive advantage and, therefore, its overall success and value. This bulletin provides a refresher on the common categories of IP in...more
Lorsqu’un travailleur spécialisé en technologie se joint à une société en démarrage, un marché intervient habituellement entre eux, aux termes duquel l’employé accepte de toucher un salaire réduit en échange d’une...more
When a tech worker joins a startup, the two sides usually strike a bargain in which the employee accepts a reduced salary in exchange for an interest in the company’s equity. This bargain is vital to the success of venture...more
In recent months, we have begun to see venture financing rounds that include the negotiation of “pay-to-play” provisions. These provisions have been largely absent in recent years due to the buoyant financing environment....more
À la suite des perturbations majeures survenues récemment dans le secteur des cryptoactifs, les organismes canadiens de réglementation en valeurs mobilières ont une fois de plus resserré l’étau autour des plateformes de...more
In the aftermath of recent major disruptions in the crypto industry, securities regulators in Canada have again raised the bar for unregistered crypto asset trading platforms (CTPs) operating in Canada.
In the latest of...more
Les Autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières (les « ACVM ») ont annoncé qu’elles renforceront leur approche à l’égard des engagements préalables à l’inscription (les « engagements ») des plateformes de négociation de...more
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) umbrella group has announced that it will take a tougher line with respect to preregistration undertakings (Undertakings) for crypto asset trading platforms (CTPs) that operate in...more
Les Autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières (« ACVM ») ont annoncé que les plateformes de négociation de cryptoactifs (les « PNC ») qui exercent des activités au Canada, mais qui ne sont pas encore inscrites auprès de...more
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) umbrella group has announced that crypto asset trading platforms (CTPs) that operate in Canada but are not yet registered to do so must sign a preregistration undertaking that...more
La Commission des valeurs mobilières de l’Ontario (la « CVMO ») a pris des mesures d’application de la loi à l’encontre de deux plateformes de négociation de cryptoactifs établies à l’étranger (les « plateformes »). Ces...more
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has initiated enforcement actions against two foreign-based crypto asset trading platforms (CTPs). The actions are the first to be announced following the OSC’s previously issued...more
On March 23, 2020, both the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) published temporary blanket relief measures under Canadian securities laws and the provisions of the TSX Company Manual...more
The Corporate Finance division of the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) recently released its third annual Summary of Oversight and Regulatory Activities (Report). Along with an overview of Quebec’s capital markets, the...more
The British Columbia and Ontario securities regulators have taken a leap forward in the regulation of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with the first registration of a fintech start-up, First Block Capital Inc., which...more
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) recently published the final form of CSA Staff Notice 54-305 Meeting Vote Reconciliation Protocols (Final Protocols) for enhancing the procedures involved in the tabulation of...more
As the next step in its effort to improve the proxy voting infrastructure and vote reconciliation process, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) has published CSA Multilateral Staff Notice 54-304 Final Report on Review...more
On February 25, 2016, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published final amendments to the rules governing early warning reporting in Canada (Final Amendments). The Final Amendments were released concurrently with...more