Effective January 1, 2022, SB 606 significantly expands Cal/OSHA’s enforcement powers and the potential penalties for workplace health and safety violations. Specifically, this bill (1) enhances Cal/OSHA compliance and...more
/ Cal-OSHA ,
Employees ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Enforcement Authority ,
Governor Newsom ,
Labor Law Violations ,
New Legislation ,
Penalties ,
Reporting Requirements ,
State and Local Government
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued its long-awaited emergency temporary standard (ETS) requiring all employers with a total of 100 or more employees to mandate...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employer Mandates ,
Federal Contractors ,
Infectious Diseases ,
Masks ,
Reasonable Accommodation ,
Religious Exemption ,
Remote Working ,
Vaccinations ,
Virus Testing ,
Workplace Safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued the COVID-19 Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) on June 10, 2021.
The ETS applies to workplace settings where professional healthcare...more
/ Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Exceptions ,
Exemptions ,
Health and Safety ,
Health Care Providers ,
Healthcare ,
Healthcare Workers ,
Home Health Care ,
Hospitals ,
New Guidance ,
Personal Protective Equipment ,
Screening Procedures ,
Vaccinations ,
Workplace Safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) updated general industry guidance for COVID-19 that is applicable to all workplaces. OSHA’s June 10, 2021, general industry guidance, which is advisory and creates no...more
With a new administration in place, regulatory action from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has been reduced by nearly half from previous years, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s updated...more
On November 28, 2016, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas denied a preliminary injunction that sought to block the nationwide implementation of the new Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s...more
/ Administrative Procedure Act ,
Anti-Retaliation Provisions ,
Arbitrary and Capricious ,
Drug Testing ,
Electronic Reporting ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Executive Compensation ,
Final Rules ,
Incentives ,
Posting Requirements ,
Preliminary Injunctions ,
Recordkeeping Requirements ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Section 11 ,
Workplace Injury ,
Workplace Safety