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DC Circuit Rejects CEQ’s Rulemaking Authority

A split panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit landed an unexpected blow on the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on November 12, ruling that CEQ lacked authority to promulgate its umbrella...more

Siting Energy and Transmission Line Projects in Arizona - An irreverent Primer: 2024 Edition

With the renewable energy boom underway everywhere, Arizona offers an attractive market for renewable energy facilities, with lots of sunshine and even a bit of wind up north. And, despite what you may have heard about our,...more

SCOTUS To Review the Scope of Agencies’ NEPA Review

The Supreme Court of the United States announced on June 24, 2024, that it will review a case that could have major ramifications for the development of U.S. infrastructure projects. In Seven County Infrastructure Coalition...more

Council on Environmental Quality Proposes Revisions to 2020 NEPA Regulations

The Council on Environmental Quality has proposed amendments to its 2020 NEPA implementing regulations, adopted during the waning days of the Trump administration. The Proposed Rule, published in the October 7, 2021 Federal...more

Siting Energy and Transmission Line Projects in Arizona - An Irreverent Primer - 2020 Edition

With the coal era winding down and renewable energy sources rapidly growing, Arizona offers an attractive market for renewable energy facilities, with plenty of sunshine and even a bit of wind up north. And, despite what you...more

President Trump Orders Federal Agencies to Use Emergency Authority to Further Expedite Environmental Project Approvals

Pressing ahead on his efforts to reduce delays in federal approvals necessary for major infrastructure projects, President Donald Trump on June 4 called for more streamlining in another executive order, Accelerating the...more

White House Proposes Overhaul of NEPA Regulations

Taking the next step in its efforts to streamline the environmental review process for projects under federal jurisdiction, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) published proposed regulations on January 10...more

Agencies Release Proposed Rule to Limit Clean Water Act Jurisdiction

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers announced a proposed rule to redefine the term “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act on December 11, 2018. The proposed rule, which awaits...more

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