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UK Financial Insights from Katten | Issue 19

UK Financial Insights from Katten is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds in the UK and Europe....more

European Commission Rejects Draft DORA RTS on Sub-contracting

The European Commission (Commission) recently published a letter (Letter) that it sent to the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) rejecting certain draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) under the EU Digital...more

European Commission Clarifies Definition of “ICT Services” under DORA

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority recently published the European Commission’s response (Q&A 2999) on the question of which services fall under the definition of “ICT services” under Article 3(21) of...more

Counting Down to DORA Compliance: Recent Developments

With less than three months remaining until the implementation date of the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), this note highlights recent developments in the EU’s efforts to facilitate firms’ transition to DORA...more

UK Financial Insights from Katten | Issue 7

UK Financial Insights from Katten is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds in the UK and Europe....more

UK Financial Insights from Katten | Issue 2

UK Financial Insights from Katten is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds in the UK and Europe....more

Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take | Issue 16

Katten's Financial Markets and Funds Quick Take is a monthly newsletter highlighting key noteworthy developments potentially affecting financial markets and funds....more

UK Financial Insights from Katten | Issue 1

European Commission Proposes Legal Framework for Digital Euro - The European Commission (Commission) published its ‘Single Currency Package’ on 28 June 2023 with proposals to establish a legal framework for the creation of...more

European Commission Proposes Legal Framework for Digital Euro

The European Commission (“Commission”) published its ‘Single Currency Package’ on 28 June 2023 with proposals to establish a legal framework for the creation of a potential digital euro alongside the cash euro. The...more

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