Real estate joint ventures are critical in navigating today’s volatile market, allowing stakeholders to pool resources and share risks. However, structuring these ventures requires careful planning to address challenges such...more
Introduction Le 11 janvier 2024, la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique (la « Cour ») a publié sa décision dans l’affaire Bank of Montreal v. Haro-Thurlow Street Project Limited Partnership, laquelle donne des précisions...more
Introduction -
On January 11, 2024, the British Columbia Supreme Court released its reasons in Bank of Montreal v. Haro-Thurlow Street Project Limited Partnership, which clarified the approach of British Columbia courts...more
Commercial insolvency can affect stakeholders located in multiple jurisdictions and possessing diverse legal rights. A recent notable trend in Canadian insolvency law is the centralization in insolvency proceedings, where...more
Dans le cadre de sa récente décision Peace River Hydro Partners c. Petrowest Corp., 2022 CSC 41 (l’« affaire Peace River »), la Cour suprême du Canada (la « CSC ») a précisé les circonstances dans lesquelles une convention...more
In the recent case of Peace River Hydro Partners v. Petrowest Corp., 2022 SCC 41 (Peace River), the Supreme Court of Canada (the SCC) clarified the circumstances in which an otherwise valid arbitration agreement may be held...more
Starting June 1, 2017, certain small claims disputes will be adjudicated online rather than in a traditional courtroom in British Columbia, thanks to the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT), the first online tribunal of its kind...more