Latest Posts › PFAS


Sixth Circuit validates challenge to PFAS class - demands greater specificity in pleading standards for causation

On November 27, a landmark PFAS decision by the Sixth Circuit effectively dismissed a statewide class action for lack of standing. This potentially sets the stage for a new era of PFAS litigation, where historically general...more

Is PFAS litigation the new asbestos docket? PFAS users now face increasing government enforcement actions and private lawsuits

PFAS litigation is on the rise. The catalyst is the rapidly developing patchwork of proposed municipal, state, and federal regulations seeking to find and hold accountable PFAS users. State attorneys general are taking an...more

Not more than one (PFAS) drop per 5 olympic pools! EPA sets stage for turbulent patchwork of local PFAS regulations

In March 2023, the Administration took another major step in its strategic roadmap to combat and hold PFAS users accountable for PFAS contamination by proposing new rules establishing the first-ever national drinking water...more

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