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PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - Leverage Your IP - Residual Goodwill in Trademarks [Audio]

In this episode of Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Clinton Brannon and Janet Cho discuss residual goodwill in trademarks, including what it comprises and how it may be asserted....more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - Artificial Intelligence Patents & Emerging Regulatory Laws [Audio]

In this episode of Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Tom Bergert and Clint Brannon discuss considerations for AI patent applicants and investors in light of emerging AI state and federal regulatory laws....more

New Local Civil Rule 7.1 Requiring Disclosure of Citizenship in Diversity Cases Goes into Effect in the United States District...

On December 1, 2022 an amended version of Local Civil Rule 7.1 went into effect in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, adding a disclosure requirement for citizenship information in...more

Licensing Your Patents? Make Sure the Federal Government Pays Its Fair Share.

Technology companies frequently enter into patent licensing transactions, sometimes in order to settle patent litigation, and sometimes as a simple licensing or cross-licensing deal. But the parties to such agreements...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - IP Litigation Trends: Are Large IP Litigation Damages Awards Here to... [Audio]

Intellectual property infringement damages awards have been on the rise, with several recent patent damages awards in the billions of dollars. On the latest episode of Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Tom Bergert, Clint Brannon...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - IP Litigation Trends: Are Large IP Litigation Damages Awards Here to... [Audio]

Intellectual property infringement damages awards have been on the rise, with several recent patent damages awards in the billions of dollars. On the latest episode of Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Tom Bergert, Clint Brannon...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - How to Preserve Your Intellectual Property Rights with Marking—Part 2:... [Audio]

On the latest episode of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Janet Cho and Clint Brannon discuss the ins and outs of patent marking, including the benefits and risks of marking, and give some practical advice on...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - How to Preserve Your Intellectual Property Rights with Marking—Part 1:... [Audio]

On the latest episode of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Clint Brannon is joined by Janet Cho for a discussion on “marking” or posting notice to trademarks and copyrighted works, encompassing what to include...more

Ten Patent Myths and How They Can Hurt Your Business

Patents are a complex subject governed by rapidly evolving statutory, judicial and administrative regimes. Even sophisticated executives at large companies often have misconceptions about what patents are, how they work and...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now, An IP Podcast - Dusting off the Idea Files [Audio]

On the latest episode of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Clint Brannon is joined by Tom Bergert, Amy Pruett and Janet Cho to discuss their thoughts on developing and protecting back-burner ideas....more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - Patent Searching [Audio]

On the latest episode of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Tom Bergert and Clint Brannon discuss whether a patentability search or freedom to operate search is needed in order to manage my business risks. ...more

PODCAST: Trending Now An IP Podcast - Patent Office Secrecy Orders [Audio]

On the latest episode of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Tom Bergert and Clint Brannon discuss what companies operating in the national security space need to know. Each episode is less than 15 minutes in...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast - The Timing of Patents [Audio]

We are very pleased to announce the launch of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, a new legal podcast focused on providing innovative companies and investors with important and timely information concerning...more

PTAB Designates as Informative Two Ex Parte Decisions Regarding Examiners’ Use of “Design Choice” Rationale in Support of...

On October 15, 2019, the PTAB designated as informative two decisions providing insight into when it is an appropriate for an examiner to reply upon a so-called “design choice” rationale in support of an obviousness...more

PTAB Designates as Precedential 2014 Decision Governing Communications with Counsel During Deposition

On July 10, 2019, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board designated as precedential Focal Therapeutics, Inc. v. Senorx, Inc., IPR2014-00116, Paper 19 (PTAB, July 21, 2014), which concerned the rules governing depositions in the...more

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