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PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - Leverage Your IP - Residual Goodwill in Trademarks [Audio]

In this episode of Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Clinton Brannon and Janet Cho discuss residual goodwill in trademarks, including what it comprises and how it may be asserted....more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - IP Litigation Trends: Are Large IP Litigation Damages Awards Here to... [Audio]

Intellectual property infringement damages awards have been on the rise, with several recent patent damages awards in the billions of dollars. On the latest episode of Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Tom Bergert, Clint Brannon...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - How to Preserve Your Intellectual Property Rights with Marking—Part 1:... [Audio]

On the latest episode of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Clint Brannon is joined by Janet Cho for a discussion on “marking” or posting notice to trademarks and copyrighted works, encompassing what to include...more

PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now, An IP Podcast - Dusting off the Idea Files [Audio]

On the latest episode of Williams Mullen's Trending Now - An IP Podcast, Clint Brannon is joined by Tom Bergert, Amy Pruett and Janet Cho to discuss their thoughts on developing and protecting back-burner ideas....more

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