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HUD Looking to Bring Lenders Back to FHA Lending Space

In a July 2018 interview with HousingWire, FHA Commissioner Brian Montgomery stated that the FHA wants to bring big banks back to the FHA lending space by increasing transparency and decreasing False Claims Act (FCA)...more

California Department of Business Oversight Issues Warning to Lenders and Servicers Who Fail to File Mandatory Reports

On June 29, 2018, the California Commissioner of Business Oversight warned California residential mortgage lenders and servicers that their failure to file annual reports could lead to enforcement actions. ...more

11th Circuit Affirms FTC's $13.5 Million Judgment Against Mortgage Relief Fraudster

On November 2, 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit affirmed a $13.5 million judgment that the FTC obtained against a group of individuals, law firms, and related entities that engaged in a massive nationwide...more

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