The Year in Bankruptcy: 2024 -
A brief chronicle of the year's notable developments in corporate bankruptcy and restructuring, including business bankruptcy filings, significant court rulings, and legislative...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Corporate Restructuring ,
Creditors ,
Debt Restructuring ,
Debtors ,
Insolvency ,
The first full year of the post-COVID-pandemic era was characterized in the United States by continued economic recovery, persistently high consumer interest rates—despite three cuts in the benchmark federal funds rate in...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Corporate Restructuring ,
Creditors ,
Debtors ,
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure ,
The expansion of global commerce in recent years has been accompanied by a significant increase in the volume of cross-border bankruptcy cases. Many of those cases involve "recognition" of foreign bankruptcy or insolvency...more
/ Asset Freeze ,
Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Chapter 15 ,
Comity ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Corporate Veil ,
Foreign Bankruptcies ,
Insolvency ,
Jurisdiction ,
Public Policy ,
It is generally recognized that an order of a U.S. bankruptcy court recognizing a debtor's foreign bankruptcy proceeding as a "main" proceeding under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code triggers the automatic stay preventing...more
In order to resolve hundreds of Child Victims Act lawsuits alleging sexual abuse, the Diocese of Rockville Centre commenced chapter 11 to seek protection for itself, its parishes, and schools, as well as providing equitable...more
/ Asset Management ,
Chapter 11 ,
Churches ,
Class Action ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Dispute Resolution ,
Insurance Claims ,
Insurance Litigation ,
Litigation Strategies ,
Settlement ,
Sexual Abuse
Four UK companies within the Cineworld Group ("Cineworld") have obtained court sanction to an English-law Part 26A restructuring plan ("RP"). Cineworld became financially distressed following a prolonged period of poor...more
The Singapore International Commercial Court (the "SICC"), a division of the General Division of the High Court and part of the Supreme Court of Singapore, was established in 2015 as a trusted neutral forum to meet increasing...more
The Singapore International Commercial Court (the "SICC"), a division of the General Division of the High Court and part of the Supreme Court of Singapore, was established in 2015 as a trusted neutral forum to meet increasing...more
/ Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Cross-Border ,
Foreign Corporations ,
Insolvency ,
Restructuring ,
Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (IRDA) ,
Singapore ,
Singapore International Commercial Court ,
As the enactment of chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code approaches its 20-year anniversary, U.S. bankruptcy courts are still grappling with some unresolved issues concerning how its provisions should be applied to best...more
he number of complex cross-border restructurings continues to rise as the various economies of the world become more integrated. A growing contingent of countries has enacted sophisticated restructuring regimes or refined...more
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down three bankruptcy rulings to finish the current Term. The decisions address the validity of nonconsensual third-party releases in chapter 11 plans, the standing of insurance companies to...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Bankruptcy Trustees ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Creditors ,
Debt Restructuring ,
Debtors ,
Trustees ,
U.S. Treasury
Courts disagree over whether a foreign bankruptcy case can be recognized under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code if the foreign debtor does not reside or have assets or a place of business in the United States. In 2013, the...more
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down three bankruptcy rulings to finish the Term ended in July 2024. The decisions address the validity of nonconsensual third-party releases in chapter 11 plans, the standing of insurance...more
/ Article III ,
Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Creditors ,
Debtors ,
In In re Pack Liquidating, LLC, 2024 WL 409830 (Bankr. D. Del. Feb. 2, 2024), the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware ruled that, in accordance with Third Circuit precedent, the Bankruptcy Code, rather than...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 13 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Consumer Bankruptcy ,
Corporate Restructuring ,
Creditors ,
Debtors ,
Debtors-in-Possession ,
Estate Claims ,
The Bankruptcy Code bars certain individuals or entities from filing for bankruptcy protection, generally because they do not reside or have a place of business or property in the United States, fail to satisfy certain debt...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Cayman Islands ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 13 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Chapter 9 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Debtors ,
Foreign Bankruptcies ,
Foreign Banks ,
International Banks ,
Liquidation ,
Silicon Valley
Determining a foreign debtor's "center of main interests" ("COMI") for purposes of recognizing a foreign bankruptcy proceeding in the United States under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code can be problematic in cases...more
Following the seminal Adler judgment, the English Court has now ruled on a further two contested restructuring plans ("RPs"). These two judgments provide important commentary relevant to all parties considering or affected by...more
Established in 2015 as a trusted neutral forum to meet increasing demand for effective transnational dispute resolution, the Singapore International Commercial Court (the “SICC”) is a division of the General Division of the...more
/ Arbitration ,
Arbitration Agreements ,
Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Chapter 11 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Creditors ,
Debtors ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure ,
On January 23, 2024, the Court of Appeal in England and Wales (the "Appeal Court") upheld a challenge launched by dissenting creditors to overturn the UK Restructuring Plan (the "RP") of the Adler Group previously approved by...more
The Situation: The Adler Group sought to restructure more than €6 billion of debt by means of a UK restructuring plan ("RP"), to give itself a runway for a planned wind-down and asset sales, leading to an enhanced return for...more
/ Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Cramdown ,
Creditors ,
Debt ,
Debt Restructuring ,
Insolvency ,
Jurisdiction ,
Lenders ,
Pari Passu ,
Restructuring ,
Shareholders ,
UK ,
Winding Down
Health Care Provider Bankruptcy Update: Patient Care Ombudsman Not Necessary In Every Health Care Business Bankruptcy Case -
Recent headlines have starkly illuminated the headwinds facing health care providers struggling...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Bankruptcy Trustees ,
Banks ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Chapter 9 ,
Corporate Restructuring ,
Debtors ,
Health Care Providers ,
Healthcare ,
Long Term Care Facilities ,
Non-Debtors ,
Ombudsman ,
Patients ,
Substantive Consolidation
In most cases seeking recognition of a foreign bankruptcy proceeding in the United States under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code, the foreign debtor's "foreign representative" has been appointed by the foreign court or...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Cross-Border ,
Debtors ,
Debtors-in-Possession ,
Foreign Banks ,
Legal Representatives ,
New York ,
Power of Attorney ,
A “double-dip” structure is considered a way to allow some creditors to have multiple claims against key obligors arising out of the same underlying transactions. These additional claims could improve their position relative...more
There is longstanding controversy concerning the validity of third-party release provisions in non-asbestos trust chapter 11 plans that limit the potential exposure of various nondebtor parties involved in the process of...more
/ Bankruptcy Code ,
Bankruptcy Court ,
Bankruptcy Preferences ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 13 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Consumer Bankruptcy ,
Creditors ,
Debtors ,
Restructuring ,
In In re Golden Sphinx Ltd., 2023 WL 2823391 (Bankr. C.D. Cal. Mar. 31, 2023), the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California denied a motion filed by a creditor of a chapter 15 debtor seeking discovery from...more