Latest Publications


Australian Treasury Reports Faster Foreign Investment Application Processing Amidst Increased Focus on Compliance and Enforcement

The Australian Treasury, which administers Australia's foreign investment framework, has released its first quarterly report for the 2024-25 financial year. Here are some key statistics and trends from the report. Treasury...more

ASIC Enforcement of Australia's Continuous Disclosure Regime Gets a Boost Through Government Response to Independent Review on...

The Australian federal government recently released its response to the independent review of Australia's amended continuous disclosure regime (the "Independent Review")....more

The Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment in Australia: Australian Treasury's Recent Facts and Figures

The Background: The Australian Treasury has released its second quarterly report of the 2023–24 financial year covering the regulation of foreign investment in Australia during the quarter ended 31 December 2023....more

Data Breach Update to Australian Securities Exchange Guidance on Continuous Disclosure Listing Rules

The Situation: The Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") has published new data breach examples in an update to its continuous disclosure Guidance Note, effective from 27 May 2024 ("Data Breach Examples")....more

Australian Government Announces Procedural Reforms to Strengthen and Streamline Australia's Foreign Investment Policy

The Situation: The Australian government has restated its commitment to foreign investment and announced procedural reforms to Australia's foreign investment framework. The government aims to attract the significant foreign...more

Changes to Disclosure in Annual Reports: New Australian Requirements to Report on Subsidiaries

The Australian Federal Parliament recently introduced new requirements for public companies to disclose information about their subsidiaries in their annual report by legislating the Treasury Laws Amendment (Making...more

Singapore Passes Significant Investments Review Bill in Relation to Transactions Involving National Security Assets

In recent years, the world has witnessed heightened sensitivity surrounding foreign investments, leading to increased regulatory scrutiny of foreign direct investments ("FDI") on the basis of national security concerns. The...more

United States Leads the Way With Recent Foreign Investment Into Australia

The Australian Treasury has released its first quarterly report ("Report") for the 2023-24 financial year covering the regulation of foreign investment in Australia....more

Australia's New Register of Foreign Ownership of Australian Assets Commences on July 1, 2023

In Short - The Situation: From July 1, 2023, foreign investors in Australia will be subject to new registration requirements under Australia's foreign investment regime....more

M&A Highlights From ASIC's Latest Corporate Finance Update

In Short - The Situation: The Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") recently released its update on corporate finance regulatory activities for the third quarter of 2022....more

Australia Foreign Investment Fees Set to Double

The Situation: The Australian Government has doubled Foreign Investment Review Board ("FIRB") application fees payable by investors who are required to seek approval under the Foreign Investments and Takeovers Act 1975 (Cth)...more

ASIC's Latest Corporate Finance Update: Practice Points for Schemes of Arrangement

Practice Points for Schemes of Arrangement - Uncertainty in earn-out consideration. ASIC raised concerns where target shareholders were being asked to vote on a scheme—which involved earn-out consideration—where there was...more

Australian Takeovers Panel Reaffirms Exclusivity Rules in Hot M&A Market

Despite the rules around exclusivity provisions in Australia having been relatively settled for many years (the Panel initially published its Guidance Note 7 on 'Lock-up devices' back in 2001), it's been surprising to see two...more

M&A Highlights From ASIC's September Corporate Finance Update

ASIC has released its third quarter update on corporate finance regulatory activities. From an M&A perspective, the update includes ASIC's observations on its public M&A deal statistics, outlines ASIC's recent concerns in M&A...more

Hot Topics from ASIC's Latest Corporate Finance Update

The Situation: The Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") recently released its quarterly Corporate Finance Update. Hot topics include Special Purpose Acquisition Companies ("SPACs"), electronic delivery of...more

Australian Regulators Stress the Importance of Managing Climate-Related Risk

Following in the footsteps of its international counterparts, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority ("APRA") is ramping up its guidance on the management of climate-related risks. On 22 April 2021, APRA released...more

ASIC Signals Increasing Expectations for Climate Change Disclosures

The Situation: After conducting a period of market surveillance, Australian Securities & Investments Commission ("ASIC") Commissioner Cathie Armour recently released a statement reiterating ASIC's expectation that disclosing...more

Significant Changes to Australia's Foreign Investment Framework Commenced on 1 January 2021

The Situation: The Australian government has introduced significant changes to its foreign investment review framework. The centrepiece of the changes is an enhanced review of acquisitions of property or businesses which are...more

Australian Company & Securities Update | Issue One

KEY LEGAL AND REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS - Legislative and Regulatory Reform - Permanent reforms in respect of virtual meetings and electronic execution - On 19 October, the Federal Government released for...more

Australian Taxation Office Increases Scrutiny of Australian Inbound Investments

The Situation: The Australian Taxation Office ("ATO") has broadened its role in the process for reviewing foreign investment proposals, through closer engagement with foreign investors pursuing acquisitions, mergers and...more

Australian Securities and Investments Commission's Half-Year Review of Public M&A Activities: Trends, Issues and Reminders

The Situation: The Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") recently released its report on its corporate finance regulatory activities for the first half of 2019. The Result: While ASIC's report makes...more

Where to Go With "Go Shops" in Australian M&A?

The Situation It was recently reported that an Australian proxy adviser had queried whether the directors of a substantial Australian Securities Exchange-listed ("ASX") target, DuluxGroup, should have negotiated a Go Shop...more

ASIC Review of Corporate Finance: Priorities in the First Half of 2018

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") recently released the "ASIC regulation of corporate finance: January to June 2018" report that demonstrates ASIC's increased preparedness to take action on...more

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