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The use of AI tools in Cayman Islands legal proceedings – warnings for litigants and attorneys

On 28 January 2025, Justice Asif KC ("Asif J") handed down his judgment in Bradley and Another v Frye-Chaikin [2025] CIGC (Civ) 5 in which the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (the "Court") commented for the first time in a...more

New Rules for Privy Council Appeals

The New Rules and accompanying Practice Directions of the JCPC are now in force. All JCPC appeals filed on or after 2 December 2024 will be subject to the New Rules....more

Enforcers are blessed: Grand Court confirms that Enforcers have standing to apply for the blessing of a momentous decision

In the recent judgment of AA v JTC (Cayman) Limited (unreported, Cause No, FSD 12 of 2024 (IKJ)), the Honourable Justice Kawaley held that that an enforcer of a Cayman Islands STAR trust has the ability under Section 48 of...more

6/26/2024  /  Cayman Islands , Enforcement , Trustees , Trusts

Cayman Islands STAR Trusts: Reinforcing the Role of Enforcers

On 1 February 2024, Kawaley J handed down a judgment in the case of In re G Trust (Cause No. FSD 270 of 2023) in which he commented on some of the key features of Cayman Islands STAR trusts contained in Part VIII of the...more

Non-Compliant Transfers of Cayman Islands Insurance Business: To Void, or Not to Void, That Is the Question

Since the introduction of the Insurance Act in 1979, the Cayman Islands has established itself as one of the largest, and most sophisticated, centres for international insurance business. As of the first quarter of 2023, the...more

Cayman Update: Transfers of insurance business without approval by CIMA in breach of Section 31 of the Insurance Act, 2010 are...

On 17 May 2023, the Honourable Justice Sir Anthony Smellie KC held in Premier Assurance Group SPC Ltd. (in Official Liquidation) v Providence Insurance Company I.I (for and on behalf of Premier Assurance Segregated Portfolio...more

Learning from Mistakes: Imposing Constructive Trusts over Mistaken Payments

Synopsis In the recent judgment of Re Premier Assurance Group SPC Ltd. (in Official Liquidation) (unreported, Smellie C.J., Cause No. FSD 264 of 2020 (ASCJ), 7 April 2022), the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands sanctioned a...more

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