Before Stark, Lourie, and Bryson. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut. Summary: A narrowly defined patent license may result in some activity falling within the scope of the patent...more
Unconstitutionally Appointed Judges Cannot Decide Ex Parte Appeals -
In In Re Boloro Global Limited, Appeal No. 19-2349, When administrative patent judges are unconstitutionally appointed, their decisions in ex...more
/ Administrative Patent Judges ,
Claim Construction ,
Constitutional Challenges ,
Eleventh Amendment ,
Ex Parte ,
Final Written Decisions ,
Inter Partes Reexamination ,
Obviousness ,
Patent Applications ,
Patent Prosecution History ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Remand ,
SAS Institute Inc. v Iancu ,
Sovereign Immunity ,
IPR Petitioners May Not Raise Appointments Clause Challenges Under Arthrex -
In CIENA CORPORATION v. OYSTER OPTICS, LLC, Appeal No. 19-2117, affirmatively petitioning for IPR waived the petitioner’s Appointments Clause...more
/ Administrative Patent Judges ,
Appointments Clause ,
Clear and Convincing Evidence ,
Constitutional Challenges ,
Final Written Decisions ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Judicial Appointments ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Remand ,
Section 101 ,
The PTAB Cannot Approve or Deny Certificates of Correction -
In Honeywell International, Inc. v. Arkema Inc., Arkema France, Appeal Nos. 2018-1151, -1153, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“Board”) does not have the...more
/ Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) ,
Abuse of Discretion ,
Appeals ,
Certificate of Correction ,
Claim Construction ,
CLS Bank v Alice Corp ,
Cross Motions ,
Enablement Inquiries ,
Indefiniteness ,
Induced Infringement ,
Judgment As A Matter Of Law ,
Leave to Amend ,
Mayo v. Prometheus ,
Motion for Summary Judgment ,
Nonobvious ,
Partial Reversal ,
Patent Applications ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Invalidity ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent Owner Preliminary Response ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Pharmaceutical Patents ,
Post-Grant Review ,
Priority Patent Claims ,
Product of Nature Doctrine ,
Reaffirmation ,
Remand ,
Scope of the Claim ,
Section 101 ,
Section 112 ,
Vacated ,
Written Descriptions
State Sovereignty Principles Do Not Allow a State to Bring a Patent Infringement Suit in an Improper Venue -
In Board of Regents v. Boston Scientific Corp., Appeal No. 2018-1700, the Federal Circuit ruled that the patent...more
/ Appeals ,
Breach of Contract ,
Claim Construction ,
Combined References ,
Covered Business Method Patents ,
Covered Business Method Proceedings ,
Dismissals ,
Diversity Jurisdiction ,
Eleventh Amendment ,
Extrinsic Evidence ,
Federal Question Jurisdiction ,
Gunn Test ,
Jurisdiction ,
Nexus ,
Nonobvious ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Prior Art ,
Reaffirmation ,
Remand ,
Section 101 ,
Section 103 ,
Sovereign Immunity ,
State Law Claims ,
State Sovereignty ,
Subject Matter Jurisdiction ,
Summary Judgment ,
Transfer of Venue ,
Universities ,
Vacated ,
Mere Potential for Future Appeal Does Not Prevent Triggering Estoppel of Inter Partes Reexamination When Party Fails to Seek Relief in the First Instance -
In Virnetx Inc. v. Apple Inc., Appeal Nos. 2017-1591, -1592,...more
/ Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) ,
Appeals ,
Claim Construction ,
Equivalency Determinations ,
Estoppel ,
Foreign Entities ,
Foreign Sovereigns ,
Indefiniteness ,
Inter Partes Reexamination ,
International Litigation ,
International Trade Commission (ITC) ,
IP License ,
Judgment As A Matter Of Law ,
Nonobvious ,
Novelty ,
Parallel Proceedings ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Invalidity ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Personal Jurisdiction ,
Pharmaceutical Patents ,
Preliminary Injunctions ,
Reaffirmation ,
Remand ,
Section 101 ,
Subject Matter Jurisdiction ,
Universities ,
Vacated ,
Written Descriptions
IPR Petitioner’s Initial Identification of the Real Parties in Interest Is to Be Accepted Unless and Until Disputed by a Patent Owner -
In Worlds Inc. v. Bungie, Inc., Appeal Nos. 2017-1481, -1546, -1583, the Federal...more
/ § 315(b) ,
Appeals ,
Burden of Persuasion ,
Burden of Proof ,
Burden-Shifting ,
Dismissals ,
Evidence ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Lack of Authority ,
Method Claims ,
Motivation to Combine ,
Obviousness ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patents ,
Prior Art ,
Reaffirmation ,
Real Party in Interest ,
Rebuttable Presumptions ,
Remand ,
Reversal ,
Sanctions ,
Time-Barred Claims ,
Federal Circuit Finds Claims Issued from Reexamination Co-Pending with Appeal Ineligible Where the Changes Did Not Affect Section 101 Eligibility -
In SAP AMERICA, Inc. v. InvestPic, LLC, Appeal No. 2017-2081, the...more
/ Abstract Ideas ,
Abuse of Discretion ,
Appeals ,
Attorney's Fees ,
Breach of Duty ,
Causation ,
Claim Limitations ,
CLS Bank v Alice Corp ,
Computer-Related Inventions ,
Duty to Disclose ,
Expert Testimony ,
Implied Waivers ,
Instrinsic Evidence ,
Inter Partes Reexamination ,
International Trade Commission (ITC) ,
Judgment on the Pleadings ,
Means-Plus-Function ,
Motion for Summary Judgment ,
Motion to Dismiss ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Invalidity ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Reaffirmation ,
Rebuttable Presumptions ,
Remand ,
Reversal ,
Section 101 ,
Section 112 ,
Section 337 ,
Vacated ,
Willful Misconduct
Federal Circuit Summary -
Before Prost, O’Malley, and Taranto. Appeal from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
Summary: The PTAB may initially accept an IPR petitioner’s identification of real-parties-in-interest, but...more
/ Appeals ,
Burden of Persuasion ,
Burden-Shifting ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patents ,
Real Party in Interest ,
Rebuttable Presumptions ,
Remand ,
Software Patents ,
Time-Barred Claims ,
The Board’s Final Written Decision Must Address All Grounds for Unpatentability Raised in a Petition for Inter Partes Review -
In Adidas AG v. Nike, Inc., Appeal Nos. 2018-1180, 2018-1181, the Federal Circuit held that...more
/ Adidas ,
Anticipation ,
Appeals ,
Broadest Reasonable Interpretation Standard ,
Calculation of Damages ,
Claim Construction ,
Combined References ,
Enhanced Damages ,
Fair Market Value ,
Final Written Decisions ,
Genuine Issue of Material Fact ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Jury Trial ,
Motivation to Combine ,
Nike ,
Obviousness ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patent Validity ,
Patents ,
Prior Art ,
Public Use ,
Reaffirmation ,
Rebuttable Presumptions ,
Remand ,
SAS Institute Inc. v Iancu ,
Substantial Evidence Standard ,
Vacated ,
Willful Infringement
Determining Whether a Claim Element or Combination of Elements Would Have Been Well-Understood, Routine, and Conventional Is a Question of Fact -
In Aatrix Software, Inc. v. Green Shades Software, Inc., Appeal No....more
/ 35 U.S.C. § 284 ,
Anticipation ,
Appeals ,
Burden of Proof ,
Claim Amendments ,
Claim Construction ,
Claim Elements ,
CLS Bank v Alice Corp ,
Combined References ,
Component Parts Doctrine ,
Exports ,
Extraterritoriality Rules ,
Foreign Profits ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Inventions ,
Lost Profits ,
Obviousness ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Petition For Rehearing ,
Printed Publications ,
Prior Art ,
Question of Fact ,
Remand ,
Section 101 ,
Vacated ,
WesternGeco LLC v Ion Geophysical Corporation
Broadest Reasonable Interpretation Encompasses All Embodiments in the Absence of Support Specifically Excluding an Embodiment -
In Steuben Foods, Inc. v. Nestle USA, Inc., Appeal No. 2017-1290, the Federal Circuit...more
/ Appeals ,
Apple ,
Broadest Reasonable Interpretation Standard ,
Claim Construction ,
Claim Terms ,
Collateral Estoppel ,
Evidence ,
Final Written Decisions ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Nestle ,
Obviousness ,
Patent Invalidity ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patents ,
Reaffirmation ,
Remand ,
Subsequent Litigation ,
Improperly Drafted Employment Agreement Leads to Dismissal of Patent Case Due to Lack of Standing -
In Advanced Video Technologies LLC v. HTC Corporation et al., Appeal Nos. 2016-2309, 2016-2310, 2016-2311, the Federal...more
/ Abstract Ideas ,
Agency Deference ,
Appeals ,
Apportionment ,
Computer-Related Inventions ,
Concurrent Litigation ,
Dismissals ,
Employee Inventors ,
Employment Contract ,
Final Written Decisions ,
FRCP 19 ,
Inter Partes Reexamination ,
IP Assignment Agreements ,
Issue Preclusion ,
Joinder ,
Judgment As A Matter Of Law ,
Jury Trial ,
Motion For New Trial ,
Motion for Summary Judgment ,
Mutuality ,
Noninfringement ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Royalties ,
Patent Validity ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Section 101 ,
Standing ,
Vacated ,
Willful Infringement
Claims Directed to Methods for Streaming Audiovisual Data Held Unpatentable Under § 101 -
In Two-Way Media Ltd v. Comcast Cable Communications, Appeal Nos. 2016-2531, 2016-2532, the Federal Circuit affirmed the district...more
/ Appeals ,
Calculation of Damages ,
Claim Construction ,
CLS Bank v Alice Corp ,
Component Parts Doctrine ,
Damages ,
Evidence ,
Foreign Sales ,
Life Technologies Corp v Promega Corp ,
Nonobvious ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Section 101 ,
TC Heartland LLC v Kraft Foods ,
Vacated ,
Venue ,
Fractured Federal Circuit Holds Patent Owner Does Not Bear Burden of Persuasion in IPR Motions to Amend -
In Aqua Products, Inc. v. Matal, Appeal No. 2015-1177, the Federal Circuit, sitting en banc, held that a patent...more
/ Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) ,
Appeals ,
Burden of Persuasion ,
Burden of Production ,
Chevron Deference ,
Claim Amendments ,
Claim Construction ,
Commercial Success ,
Indefiniteness ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Intrinsic Test ,
Motion to Amend ,
Obviousness ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Invalidity ,
Patent Ownership ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patents ,
Prior Art ,
Reaffirmation ,
Remand ,
Reversal ,
Substantial Evidence Standard ,
“Common Sense” Alone Is Not a Sufficient Motivation to Combine References -
In In Re: Van Os, Appeal No. 2015-1975, the Federal Circuit held that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s reliance on intuition or common sense...more
/ Appeals ,
Burden of Production ,
Divided Infringement ,
Inducements ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Obviousness ,
Patent Infringement ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patents ,
Pharmaceutical Patents ,
Prior Art ,
Product Labels ,
Remand ,
Standard of Review ,
Standing ,