The governor of Puerto Rico recently signed into law amendments to Act No. 54 of August 15, 1989, “Act for the Prevention and Intervention with Domestic Violence.” The amendments include “economic violence” as a form of...more
Act No. 83 of August 1, 2019, (Act 83) provides up to 15 days of unpaid leave, and/or reasonable accommodation, for employees who are themselves victims of abusive situations, or have a close family member who is. ...more
On August 1, 2019, just a day prior to his resignation as Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló signed into law Act No. 83 of August 1, 2019 (“Act 83” or “the Act”), a very detailed leave statute applicable to public and...more
/ Corporate Counsel ,
Domestic Violence ,
Employee Rights ,
Labor Regulations ,
New Legislation ,
Puerto Rico ,
Reasonable Accommodation ,
Sexual Assault ,
Sexual Harassment ,
Stalking ,
State and Local Government ,
State Labor Laws ,
Unpaid Leave