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USPTO Withdraws Fintiv Memo on Discretionary Denials in Post-Grant Proceedings

On February 28, 2025, the USPTO announced that it was rescinding former Director Vidal’s 2022 memorandum on discretionary denials by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. The 2022 memorandum effectively narrowed the application...more

Federal Circuit Affirms Section 101 Ineligibility Determination of Genetic Diagnostic Methodology Patent

The Federal Circuit recently affirmed a decision from the District Court for the Northern District of California granting appellee Cepheid’s summary judgment motion against appellant Roche Molecular Systems (“Roche”) and held...more

Federal Circuit Affirms PTAB Holding of No Interference in Fact in CRISPR Interference, Leaving Both Sides Free to License Their...

On September 10, 2018, the Federal Circuit affirmed a decision by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) determining that there was no interference in fact between the University of California’s (“UC”) U.S. Patent...more

IP Newsflash - May 2015 #2

SUPREME COURT CASES - U.S. Supreme Court Remands Case to Federal Circuit to Review Patent Under Teva - On April 20, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court remanded a case back to the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Federal...more

IP Newsflash - October 2014 #3

Federal Circuit Affirms Willful Infringement Judgment and Enhanced Damages Award - In an October 14, 2014, decision, the Federal Circuit upheld a judgment of willful infringement and an award of enhanced damages...more

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