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Federal Circuit Rejects Timing Requirement for Expert Qualification Under Kyocera

In Kyocera Senco Industrial Tools Inc. v. International Trade Commission, the Federal Circuit held that an expert must meet the definition of a “person of ordinary skill in the art” of the asserted patents in order to opine...more

District Court Precludes Experienced Patent Attorney from Testifying as Expert Based on Lack of Pertinent Technical Expertise

A district court recently precluded a patent attorney from testifying as an expert in a patent infringement lawsuit where the proposed expert lacked the requisite technical expertise to assist the trier of fact in...more

District Court Must Consider Joining Patent Owner Prior to Dismissal Where Licensee Lacks Substantial Rights to Bring Suit, but...

The Federal Circuit vacated and remanded a decision by the District Court for the Northern District of California when it failed to consider joining the patent owner before dismissing a case in which the licensee possessed...more

Federal Circuit Affirms PTAB Holding of No Interference in Fact in CRISPR Interference, Leaving Both Sides Free to License Their...

On September 10, 2018, the Federal Circuit affirmed a decision by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) determining that there was no interference in fact between the University of California’s (“UC”) U.S. Patent...more

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