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IAIS Adopts Group Capital Standard

Internationally active insurance groups (IAIGs) should take note of a critical new group capital standard adopted by a global insurance standard-setting body. This could have an effect on capital requirements for these large...more

IAIS Solicits Feedback on Capital Standard, Relaxes Requirements on Callable Instruments

Large insurers that operate across national borders should consider recent guidance on capital standards from the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), in particular on the kinds of instruments that make...more

IAIS Releases Comparability Criteria between Aggregation Method and Insurance Capital Standard

On March 9, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) announced the criteria, available here, that will be used to assess whether the Aggregation Method, or AM, provides comparable outcomes to the...more

IAIS Announces Key Next Steps on Capital Standards

Internationally active insurance groups (IAIGs) will want to consider the implications of recent guidance from international insurance regulators on capital standards. These standards mandate the relevant amounts of capital...more

NAIC Exposes Key ComFrame-Motivated Changes

Internationally active insurance groups (IAIGs) with U.S. domestic insurers should be alert to key changes in regulatory oversight being considered by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). These changes...more

NAIC, Industry Wrangle Over Key Aspects of Insurer Capital, Solvency Regulation

Insurance carriers will find the following topics, recently discussed at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), relevant to capital management, financial risk, solvency and similar “prudential” issues,...more

Capital Standards for US Insurers – What’s New?

The federal government, state insurance regulators and international regulatory bodies are all actively engaged in the development of capital standard calculations to be employed in the supervision of entities in their...more

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