On June 4, 2020, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, along with 17 other states, filed suit against the United States and Betsy DeVos, in her official capacity as Secretary of Education, to prevent implementation of the Title...more
On May 6, 2020, the Department of Education (DOE) issued its Final Rule adopting amended regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). ...more
/ Colleges ,
Department of Education ,
Disciplinary Proceedings ,
Educational Institutions ,
Gender-Based Violence ,
Sexual Assault ,
Sexual Harassment ,
Sexual Violence Policies ,
Students ,
Title IX ,
In a recent ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that in conducting Title IX investigations, colleges and universities are required to provide parties an opportunity to cross-examine witnesses in the...more
/ Appeals ,
Colleges ,
Cross Examination ,
Due Process ,
Investigations ,
Litigation Strategies ,
Policies and Procedures ,
Sexual Assault ,
Title IX ,
Universities ,
Witness Statements