State-by-state legalization of the medical and recreational use of marijuana is creating a new industry in the U.S. that has the potential to rival our largest businesses. However, the growth of this new industry comes at a...more
Earlier this year, Massachusetts passed legislation that will require the state’s distribution utilities to purchase carbon-free electricity from hydropower and on and offshore wind farms under long-term contracts for up to...more
Last Sunday, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a compromise energy bill to significantly increase electricity produced by renewable energy sources. The state’s utilities will be required to purchase power from on and...more
/ Clean Energy ,
Dams ,
Electricity ,
Energy Sector ,
Energy Storage ,
Hydropower ,
Natural Gas ,
New Legislation ,
Offshore Wind ,
Pipelines ,
Renewable Energy ,
Repairs ,
State and Local Government ,
Waste-to-Energy ,
Wind Power
Overview -
Late Sunday night, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a compromise energy bill that will significantly increase electricity produced by offshore wind, hydropower and other renewable energy sources. The...more