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Unlawful Deductions Backstop, Religious Belief Dismissals, Plus a News Round-up: UK HR Two Minute Monthly - February 2025

Our employment law update for February sees new cases on the two-year backstop on compensation in unlawful deductions cases and a Court of Appeal decision on religious belief discrimination relating to social media posts. We...more

No ACAS Early Conciliation but the Claim Continues, and a General Employment News Round-Up: UK HR Two Minute Monthly - January...

The return of our monthly format for employment law updates sees new cases on whether a failure to carry out ACAS Early Conciliation is fatal to claims progressing, whether a claimant after proceedings are ongoing can add new...more

UK HR Two-Minute Monthly: June 2024

Our June update includes a new gender critical philosophical belief case exploring some new areas (such as the nature of the workplace), a case on redaction of disclosure documents and whether the redacted material was...more

UK HR Two-Minute Monthly: May 2024

Our May update includes a case on whistleblowing where the claimant’s belief in the disclosures was questioned along with whether decision makers who knew little or nothing about the disclosures could be blamed for those who...more

UK HR Two Minute Monthly: January 2024

Our January update includes a new Court of Session case giving (a degree of) certainty on settlement agreements prohibiting future unknown claims and a new case on constructive dismissal focusing on the rules around delaying...more

UK HR Two Minute Monthly: November 2023

Our November update includes a Supreme Court decision on employment status and the right to join a trade union, whether a bonus clawback clause can be an unlawful restraint of trade, and how to deal with a “heat of the...more

UK HR Two-Minute Monthly: March 2023

Our March update includes new cases on whether a “without prejudice” letter attaching a settlement agreement and referring to a termination by mutual agreement can be an effective dismissal letter, the role of written...more

UK HR two-minute monthly: marital status discrimination, private WhatsApp messages as tribunal evidence, sickness...

Our February update includes new cases on marital status discrimination, including a general refresher on direct discrimination, a case of whether private WhatsApp messages can be used in tribunal proceedings, and how to deal...more

UK HR Two-Minute Monthly: Settlement agreements, vanishing dismissals for gross misconduct, (lack of) mitigation and general news...

Our December update includes new case law on a very unusual take on taxing payments under settlement agreements, how difficult it can be to withdraw an appeal and stop a dismissal from vanishing, and the consequences, even if...more

Fight for the right (not) to party?

At the end of November, a French appeal court ruled that an employer could not dismiss an employee (called in this case “Mr T”) for refusing to participate in after-work drinks and team building activities. The judgment made...more

UK HR Two-Minute Monthly: Long Covid/disability, “without prejudice”, unfair dismissal statutory cap and news roundup

Our July update includes new case law on Long covid being held to be a disability, challenging the privileged status of “without prejudice” correspondence, and an unfair dismissal case in which a Tribunal made an overall...more

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