This issue of Skadden’s semiannual Cross-Border Investigations Update takes a close look at recent cases, regulatory activity and other key developments, including a review of the first year of GDPR enforcement, analysis of...more
/ Anti-Money Laundering ,
Appeals ,
Blocking Statutes ,
Bribery ,
China ,
Communication Restrictions ,
Compliance ,
Conspiracies ,
Cooperation Agreement ,
Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Act 2019 (the COPO Act) ,
Criminal Prosecution ,
Cross-Border Transactions ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cybersecurity ,
Deferred Prosecution Agreements ,
Denial of Certiorari ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Deutsche Bank ,
Disclosure ,
Dodd-Frank ,
Economic Sanctions ,
Enforcement Actions ,
EU ,
Exports ,
Extradition ,
Extraterritoriality Rules ,
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ,
Financial Records ,
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) ,
Foreign Exchanges ,
France ,
Fraud ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
Government Investigations ,
Hackers ,
Hungary ,
Imports ,
India ,
Indictments ,
Information Sharing ,
Iran Sanctions ,
Israel ,
Lithuania ,
Money Laundering ,
Morrison v National Australia Bank ,
Multinationals ,
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) ,
Opioid ,
Pharmaceutical Industry ,
Popular ,
Rate-Rigging ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) ,
Spoofing ,
Subpoenas ,
Swiss Supreme Court ,
Switzerland ,
Tax Crimes ,
Tax Evasion ,
Tax Treaty ,
Turkey ,
UK ,
United States ,
Venezuela ,
This issue of Skadden’s semiannual Cross-Border Investigations Update takes a close look at recent cases, regulatory activity and other key developments, including DOJ guidance on the use of corporate monitors in criminal...more
/ Anti-Bribery ,
Anti-Corruption ,
Anti-Money Laundering ,
Appeals ,
Attorney-Client Privilege ,
Brazil ,
Bribery ,
China ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Criminal Conspiracy ,
Criminal Convictions ,
Criminal Investigations ,
Cross-Border ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection Acts ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement Actions ,
EU ,
Exports ,
Extraterritoriality Rules ,
Financial Crimes ,
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) ,
Forex ,
France ,
Government Investigations ,
Guilty Pleas ,
Hackers ,
Imports ,
International Litigation ,
Iran ,
Legal Professional Privilege ,
Libor ,
Litigation Privilege ,
Market Manipulation ,
Money Laundering ,
Multi-Jurisdictional Litigation ,
Multinationals ,
Privileged Communication ,
Russia ,
Sanction Violations ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Securities Fraud ,
Spoofing ,
Tax Fraud ,
Traders ,
UK ,
Unexplained Wealth Orders (UWOs) ,
United Arab Emirates (UAE) ,
Yates Memorandum
This issue of Skadden’s semiannual Cross-Border Investigations Update takes a close look at recent cases, regulatory activity and other key developments, including the use of legal holds in cross-border investigations,...more
/ China ,
Civil Monetary Penalty ,
Cooperation ,
Criminal Investigations ,
Cross-Border Transactions ,
Cryptocurrency ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Protection ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement Actions ,
EU ,
Fee Reductions ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
Initial Coin Offering (ICOs) ,
Personal Liability ,
Popular ,
Privileged Communication ,
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) ,
Settlement ,
Trump Administration ,
On November 17, 2015, a group of Skadden attorneys and corporate counsel joined representatives from more than 20 life sciences companies to discuss U.S. enforcement issues companies throughout the industry face. The key...more
/ Anti-Kickback Statute ,
Attorney General ,
Criminal Prosecution ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Enforcement Actions ,
False Claims Act (FCA) ,
Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) ,
Health Care Providers ,
Healthcare Fraud ,
Medical Devices ,
Medicare Fraud Strike Force ,
Pharmaceutical Industry
On February 12, two executives of Smith & Ouzman Limited, an English printing company, were sentenced for corruption offenses following a trial brought by the U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO). The chairman, aged 71, received...more
The U.S. Supreme Court recently closed its 2012 term with its usual headline-grabbing flurry of June decisions. Several of those decisions, as well as many more that received less publicity, will affect business interests. In...more
/ Actavis Inc. ,
Affirmative Action ,
Alien Tort Statute ,
Already LLC ,
American Express ,
American Express v Italian Colors Restaurant ,
Amgen ,
Amgen Inc. v Connecticut Retirement Plans ,
AMP v Myriad ,
Arbitration ,
Bowman v Monsanto ,
Canning v NLRB ,
Class Action ,
Class Action Arbitration Waivers ,
Class Certification ,
Contract Interpretation ,
Copyright ,
DaimlerChrysler ,
Extraterritoriality Rules ,
Federal Arbitration Act ,
First Sale Doctrine ,
Fisher v University of Texas ,
FTC v Actavis ,
Gabelli v SEC ,
Genetically Engineered Seed ,
Hollingsworth v Perry ,
Human Genes ,
Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons ,
Mount Holly v Mt. Holly Citizens in Action ,
Nike ,
Oxford Health v Sutter ,
Patent Exhaustion ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Pay-For-Delay ,
Preemption ,
Reverse Payment Settlement Agreements ,
Same-Sex Marriage ,
Standard Fire Ins. Co. v. Knowles ,
Statute of Limitations ,
Supervisors ,
US v Windsor ,
UT Southwestern Medical v Nassar ,
Vance v. Ball State University