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Tariffs on Mexico and Canada Delayed; China Retaliates Against 10% Tariff

President Donald Trump has agreed to delay the implementation of tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada for 30 days, following negotiations with the leaders of both countries. For more information about the threatened...more

U.S. Imposes Tariffs on Imports from Canada and China Beginning February 4; Mexican President Announces One Month Implementation...

On February 1, 2025, President Trump announced significant new tariffs on imports from Mexico, Canada, and China, set to take effect on February 4, 2025. The tariffs were announced via three separate Executive Orders (EOs)...more

The Mergers & Acquisitions Review: US Trade Compliance Due Diligence 2024

In addition to a myriad of issues to consider during M&A transactions, parties should conduct due diligence related to US trade regulations and the often-related foreign investment regulations that arise in the context of an...more

Recent Actions Set Up Frightful Fall for Some Importers of Chinese-Origin Goods

Just in time for Spooky Season, the Biden Administration announced executive actions related to the much used – and much lamented, depending on who you ask – de minimis exemption, which allows shipments valued at $800 or less...more

China Section 301 Additional Tariffs

On May 22, 2024, the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”) announced the publication of a Federal Register Notice (“the FRN”) setting forth additional and increased Section 301 tariffs for specific Harmonized Tariff...more

What to Know about CBP Export Seizures

Those familiar with the U.S. import and export regulations know that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP” or “Customs”) generally enforces the U.S. import regulations, while multiple executive government agencies...more

Should I File a Customs Prior Disclosure?

Many importers have experienced at one time or another that horrible, stomach-turning feeling that comes with the realization that merchandise they have been importing has been entered under the wrong HTS code, with the...more

Are My Products Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties?

Many importers will discover at some point that products they import may be subject to anti-dumping duties (“ADD”) or countervailing duties (“CVD”). With Washington’s continued aggressive approach toward unfair trade...more

Forced Labor and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

Today, June 21, the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFLPA”) comes into effect. It is the latest – and perhaps strongest – tool in the belt of U.S. regulatory and enforcement agencies to combat forced labor....more

Russia Restrictions Could Be a Blueprint for U.S. Response if China Invades Taiwan

On May 23, 2022, President Joe Biden, when asked whether the United States would get involved militarily if China invaded Taiwan, answered firmly, “Yes. That’s the commitment we made.” As the world watches the war in Ukraine,...more

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