This 20th edition of Unprecedented, our weekly update on COVID-19-related litigation, finds both plaintiffs and defendants with reasons to celebrate. Insurance carriers avoided consolidation of coverage disputes in...more
/ Administrative Procedure Act ,
All-Risks Insurance ,
Business Closures ,
Business Interruption ,
Case Consolidation ,
Civil Authority Coverage ,
Civil Liability ,
Constitutional Challenges ,
Consumer Fraud ,
Contract Terms ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Court Schedules ,
Denial of Insurance Coverage ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Dismissals ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Eviction ,
Executive Orders ,
Family Members ,
Government Shutdown ,
Governor Cooper ,
Gross Negligence ,
Immigration Attorneys ,
Insurance Industry ,
Landlords ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Masks ,
Meat Processing Plants ,
Moratorium ,
Motion to Dismiss ,
Multidistrict Litigation ,
Personal Protective Equipment ,
Property Insurance ,
Public Health Emergency ,
Sick Employees ,
State Attorneys General ,
State Legislatures ,
Tenants ,
VA Supreme Court ,
Virus Testing ,
Voluntary Withdrawal ,
Willful Misconduct ,
Workplace Safety ,
Wrongful Death
Much of the information about business interruption insurance and how it might apply to COVID-19-related losses focuses on legal arguments instead of practical realities facing decision makers. This webinar provides pragmatic...more
In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many questions about insurance coverage. Because each policy is different, it is very difficult to generalize about insurance coverage. However, one thing we know to be true is...more
There have been significant developments in recent days regarding the Articles of Impeachment brought against the four remaining justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia....more
The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals recently closed an avenue for bad faith claims. In this case, the insured, CMD, sued its own liability insurance company, State Auto, for not settling the claims asserted against it...more
/ Appeals ,
Bad Faith ,
Breach of Contract ,
Construction Project ,
Insurance Litigation ,
Motion for Summary Judgment ,
Property Damage ,
Reversal ,
Settlement ,
Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices ,
Writ of Prohibition