Since the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) was enacted in 2011, thousands of petitions have been filed to request institution of inter partes review (IPR) to challenge patents. Upon the issuance of a final written...more
The Supreme Court today decided two important cases involving patent rights and inter partes review at the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). Both cases affirm the importance of Post-Grant Proceedings as a part of an...more
/ Administrative Proceedings ,
America Invents Act ,
Article III ,
Constitutional Challenges ,
Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding ,
Oil States Energy Services v Greene's Energy Group ,
Patent Trial and Appeal Board ,
Patents ,
Post-Grant Review ,
SAS Institute Inc. v Iancu ,
Seventh Amendment ,
Admissions made by the patentee, either in the patent specification or during the course of prosecution, identifying a particular work as ‘‘prior art’’ can be relied upon for both anticipation and obviousness determinations....more
As a result of recent changes in the PTAB rules of practice, counsel for patent owners should consider whether there are opportunities to identify factual deficiencies in petitions. Counsel for petitioners in inter partes...more
After filing a first post-grant proceeding, whether an inter partes review, a covered business method proceeding or a post-grant review petition challenging certain claims of a patent, the same petitioner may decide to file a...more