In the wake of the July 24 expiration of the 120-day moratorium on residential evictions in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued an order (CDC order)...more
/ CARES Act ,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Eviction ,
Executive Orders ,
Grace Period ,
Landlords ,
Low Income Housing ,
Moratorium ,
Notice Requirements ,
Relief Measures ,
Rent ,
Rental Property ,
Residential Property Owners ,
State and Local Government ,
Tenants ,
Trump Administration
While some states (such as Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, Montana, and Oklahoma) have commenced, or will soon commence, phased or soft business reopenings, other jurisdictions (including the six San Francisco Bay Area...more