2024 was a transformative year for the products law landscape, marked by sweeping regulatory shifts, emerging trends, and heightened compliance challenges. These developments are reshaping industries worldwide and will...more
Our quarterly MOVE newsletter provides you with the latest industry news, thought leadership, recent press highlights, updates on our global events, and other relevant hot topics highlighting mobility....more
Our cross sector team enjoyed connecting with colleagues and friends at CES 2024 as well as taking a peek into the future. Our key takeaway: AI and sustainability were everywhere. AI applications and sustainability advances...more
Our M&A lawyers are recognized for executing transactions that are transformational for the automotive sector as well as broader concepts of mobility and transportation, drawing upon and complementing the experience of our...more
Die Bundesregierung hat am 23. Februar 2022 die "Verordnung zur Regelung des Betriebs von Kraftfahrzeugen mit automatisierter und autonomer Fahrfunktion und zur Änderung straßenverkehrsrechtlicher Vorschriften" ("Verordnung")...more
Cyber security and software updates are becoming increasingly important, particularly for companies in the automotive and mobility industry. Main drivers are particularly new automated/autonomous driving and connectivity...more
/ Automotive Industry ,
Connected Cars ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Collection ,
Data Protection ,
Digital Services ,
EU ,
Germany ,
Motor Vehicles ,
Popular ,
Privacy Concerns
The autonomous vehicle revolution has introduced an exciting array of innovations into the automobile industry. Groundbreaking technology has created ingenious ways to address mobility and traffic issues. But it has also...more
/ Automated Systems ,
Automated Transportation ,
Automotive Industry ,
Car Accident ,
Drivers ,
Innovative Technology ,
Manufacturer Liability ,
Manufacturers ,
Manufacturing Defects ,
Product Defects ,
Public Safety ,
Safety Standards ,
Technology Sector ,
Transportation Industry
In this hoganlovells.com interview, Dr. Sebastian Polly talks about how connected cars and automated/autonomous vehicles (AV) will impact the concept of product liability. He also addresses how automakers and suppliers will...more