Latest Posts › Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)


CFPB Press Release and Circular cite “abusive” steering practices in connection with comparison-shopping tools and lead generators

On February 29, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) issued Consumer Financial Protection Circular 2024-01, Preferencing and steering practices by digital intermediaries for consumer financial products or...more

Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: Shining a Bright Light on Digital Dark Patterns [Video]

Our special guest is Andrew Nigrinis, PhD, who formerly served as Enforcement Economist for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We first discuss what is meant by “dark patterns” and the types of digital practices...more

Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: A Close Look at the Impact of Antitrust Laws on the Consumer Financial Services Industry [Video]

The consumer financial services industry has become the target of increasing regulatory scrutiny under antitrust laws as well as class action antitrust litigation that challenges industry practices on the grounds that they...more

Antitrust Law Adds to the Consumer Finance Regulatory Arsenal

Regulatory scrutiny and class action litigation relating to the consumer financial services (CFS) industry have typically focused on issues of disclosure, customer privacy, and fees charged to consumers. CFS lawyers are...more

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