The U.S. Supreme Court last week unanimously held that the Takings Clause of the Constitution prevents legislatures, as well as administrative agencies, from imposing unconstitutional conditions on land-use permits....more
/ Building Permits ,
Constitutional Challenges ,
Exactions ,
Fees ,
George Sheetz v County of El Dorado ,
Impact Fees ,
Just Compensation ,
Land Developers ,
Land-Use Permits ,
Property Improvements ,
Property Owners ,
Reversal ,
Takings Clause ,
Unconstitutional Condition
Summary -
The Supreme Court of the United States announced that it will hear a Takings Clause case under the Fifth Amendment that will clarify whether permit exaction fees authorized by legislation are exempt from the...more
/ Building Permits ,
Certiorari ,
Construction Project ,
Exactions ,
Fees ,
Fifth Amendment ,
George Sheetz v County of El Dorado ,
Land-Use Permits ,
Real Estate Development ,
Sufficient Nexus ,
Takings Clause
Summary -
In Tyler v. Hennepin County, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that a county’s retention of the excess value of a home in a tax sale violated the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The decision, which...more
The Township of Canton, Michigan, like many local governments, requires property owners who remove trees of a certain size to either replace those trees or pay into a fund for the planting of new trees. The Sixth Circuit...more
On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that private utilities may exercise eminent domain to take state-owned property under the Natural Gas Act (NGA). The decision resolved an issue that could have blocked construction...more
/ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ,
Condemnation ,
Easements ,
Eminent Domain ,
Natural Gas ,
Natural Gas Act ,
PennEast Pipeline Co. v New Jersey ,
Pipelines ,
Right of Way ,
Sovereign Immunity ,
Takings Clause
A ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court this week may have altered the landscape of takings claims by expanding the scope of physical takings. Since the landmark case of Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City, 438 U.S....more
/ Agricultural Workers ,
Cedar Point Nursery v Hassid ,
Farm Workers ,
Farms ,
Fifth Amendment ,
Fourteenth Amendment ,
Just Compensation ,
Takings Clause ,
Unions ,
United Farm Workers
On Monday, in Friends of Danny DeVito v. Wolf, a divided Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a constitutional challenge to Governor Tom Wolf’s executive order closing non-life sustaining businesses. ...more
A class-action lawsuit filed in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania late last week alleges that Governor Wolf’s orders closing non-life sustaining business constitute a taking requiring just compensation under the Fifth...more
/ Business Closures ,
Class Action ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Due Process ,
Emergency Management Plans ,
Eminent Domain ,
Executive Orders ,
Fifth Amendment ,
Operators of Essential Services ,
State and Local Government ,
Takings Clause