With the release of its FY 2022 revenue proposals, the Biden Administration explains and refines some of the tax priorities raised on the campaign trail. Our International Tax Group reads the tea leaves to find the...more
At long last, we have the first set of final regulations for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Our International Tax Group celebrates with a look at how the Treasury and IRS have clarified Section 965 and why taxpayers may need to...more
In long-awaited guidance on Section 163(j) post-tax reform, the Treasury and IRS present taxpayers with an expansive definition of “interest,” subjective anti-abuse rules, complex computational instructions, and several...more
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act replaced the earnings stripping rules with a new limitation on deductions for business interest expense. Our International Tax Group examines the new law and what it means for interest expense...more
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law on December 22, 2017, represents the biggest change to U.S. tax law since adoption of the 1986 Code. In addition to rate cuts and various individual and corporate reforms, the Act...more
Comprehensive tax reform is moving rapidly, and both the House and the Senate have proposed their own versions of tax reform. Our International Tax and Tax Policy & Regulation Groups investigate the differences between the...more
With tax reform on the horizon, Treasury takes aim at three sets of regulations with clear cross-border implications. Our International Tax Group explains the department’s recommendations to scrap much of Section 385 and...more
Doubling down on his promise to achieve monumental tax reform, President Trump on April 26 issued a tax reform plan outlining his Administration’s broad aims. Once again, he has made it clear that large-scale tax reform is a...more