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China Unveils New Anti-Monopoly Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Sector

China's State Council issued new Anti-Monopoly Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Sector (the "Guidelines") effective January 24, 2025. The Guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for the State Administration for Market...more

The Climate Report | First Quarter 2022

The delegated regulation includes a new comprehensive and unified reporting methodology to direct investments toward environmentally sustainable economic activities....more

New Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Environmental Protection, and Energy in the European Union

On January 27, 2022, the European Commission ("Commission") adopted the Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Environmental Protection, and Energy 2022 ("CEEAG"). They replace the Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental...more

Antitrust Alert: The French Competition Authority Publishes Guidance on Settlement Procedures

In December 2018, the French Competition Authority ("FCA") published a notice clarifying the FCA's settlement procedure in competition cases ("Notice"). The FCA’s General Rapporteur may offer settlement to companies that...more

EU Class Actions in the Making

The Situation: Currently, European law provides only for representative actions to stop or prohibit infringements of EU consumer law, but not for collective redress. As a result, significant differences exist in the...more

German Government Releases Draft Act on Class Actions in Germany

The Situation: As agreed in the Coalition Contract of the current German government, the Federal Ministry of Justice officially presented the Act on Model Declaratory Proceedings ("Draft Act") on May 9, 2018, after protracted...more

EU Consumer Rights Enforcement—Penalties Ahead

The Situation: The recent EU Commission proposal for a tightening of consumer protection regulations envisages, in one of its pillars, to step up government enforcement of EU consumer rules, including by introducing a...more

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