Recently, the North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc.’s (“NASAA”) Franchise and Business Opportunities Project Group (“FPG”) issued guidance on post-term non-compete clauses in the context of the franchise...more
/ Contract Terms ,
Employment Contract ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Final Guidance ,
Franchises ,
Franchisors ,
Non-Compete Agreements ,
Regulatory Requirements ,
Restrictive Covenants ,
State Attorneys General
A district court in Georgia recently granted a Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by HOA Franchising, LLC’s, the franchisor of the Hooters restaurant chain (“Hooters”), against one of its former restaurant franchisees,...more
Yesterday, Washington’s Governor, Jay Inslee signed HB1450 [PDF] which targets the use of restrictive covenants in the State of Washington (the “Non-Compete Act”). The signing of the Non-Compete Act follows the recent...more