In a significant rebound, M&A values in real estate rose sharply in 2021. Deal value rose to US$121.7 billion, a sharp increase of 229 percent compared to 2020. Deal volume rose by 79 percent to 70 transactions. ...more
/ Acquisitions ,
Buyers ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Investment ,
Investors ,
Mergers ,
Real Estate Investments ,
Real Estate Market ,
Technology ,
In this report, we set out the key real estate developments in the US during the period of disruption caused by COVID-19 on a federal level and in California, Florida, Illinois and New York.
The report covers:
- Lease...more
/ Commercial Leases ,
Construction Project ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Eviction ,
Executive Orders ,
Foreclosure ,
Moratorium ,
Mortgages ,
Real Estate Transactions ,
Relief Measures ,
Residential Leases
In this report, we set out the key real estate developments in the US during the period of disruption caused by COVID-19 on a federal level and in California, Florida, Illinois and New York.
The report covers:
- Lease...more