Seyfarth Synopsis: The Eleventh Circuit recently issued an opinion blocking the enforcement of Florida's "anti-woke" law. The Court struck down the law on the grounds that the law impermissibly infringes on employers' free...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: Texas has joined a number of other states in prohibiting employers, including healthcare providers, from requiring their workforces to be vaccinated against COVID-19. As a result, employers in Texas must...more
/ Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employees ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employer Mandates ,
Employment Policies ,
Healthcare Workers ,
Policies and Procedures ,
Private Sector ,
State and Local Government ,
Texas ,
Vaccinations ,
Virus Testing ,
Workplace Safety
Seyfarth Synopsis: Natural hairstyles have become increasingly popular among Black Americans of both sexes. Despite their popularity, these hairstyles have been overregulated frequently in the workplace. To address this...more
/ Dress Codes ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Employment Policies ,
Hairstyle Discrimination ,
Human Rights ,
Labor Reform ,
Labor Regulations ,
New Legislation ,
Race Discrimination ,
State Labor Laws ,
Adriana Cook worked as a patient care technician (PCT) at Methodist Hospital in Dallas. In 2012, Cook injured her back on the job while turning a patient. Following her injury, Cook was unable to return to her PCT position...more