Seyfarth Synopsis: While paying employees in California is often a challenge, the regular rate of pay presents a minefield of different formulas for employers to navigate. From what amounts to include, to how the calculation...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: The Ninth Circuit’s recent decision in Salazar v. McDonald’s Corporation is welcome news for entities facing concerns about joint employment status under California law, and in particular, for franchisors....more
Seyfarth Synopsis: The Ninth Circuit has held that, under federal and California law, college student-athletes are not employees of either the NCAA or the Pac-12, the regulatory bodies that govern college sports....more
Seyfarth Synopsis: Companies marketing through social media are likely familiar with social media influencers like the Kardashian/Jenners in cosmetics, DanTDM in gaming, and Kayla Itsines in fitness. ...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: Labor Day sales may be over, but some savvy California employers might still find a great deal. That’s because not all land inside California’s borders is actually within the legal jurisdiction of...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: On April 27, 2017, the Ninth Circuit held that using prior salary alone may support differences in compensation under the Equal Pay Act as a “factor other than sex” if using prior salary was “reasonable”...more
/ Corporate Counsel ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Equal Pay ,
Fair Pay Act ,
Gender Discrimination ,
Gender Equity ,
Gender-Based Pay Discrimination ,
Pay Gap ,
Salary/Wage History ,
Sex Discrimination ,
State and Local Government ,
Wage and Hour
Seyfarth Synopsis: Accrued vacation pay is not a category that must appear on employee wage statements.
California Labor Code section 226 requires employers to report various categories of information on employee wage...more