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U.S. Supreme Court Expands Damages Range for Copyright Plaintiffs

In Warner Chappell Music, Inc. v. Nealy, a 6-3 decision published last week, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a copyright plaintiff can recover damages for all infringing acts, including for infringement that occurred more...more

N.Y. Appeals Court Rejects Misappropriation Claim Over 'Romeo Killer' Docudrama

Summary - A New York appeals court ruling on June 24 in the Porco v. Lifetime case provides much-needed clarity to film and television producers and entertainment companies that docudramas blending true facts with dramatic...more

Cosby Case Highlights Role of Public Access to Court Records

The April 2018 criminal trial of iconic entertainer and "America's Dad" Bill Cosby has ended with a guilty verdict. ...more

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