Latest Posts › Department of Justice (DOJ)


New DOJ Task Force Will Scrutinize Health Care Industry for Antitrust Issues

A new federal antitrust task force will focus on investigations in health care markets, and, where warranted, civil and criminal enforcement, the Department of Justice announced....more

Antitrust Enforcers Amp Up Focus on Private Equity Acquisitions in the Health Care Market

Private equity is squarely in the cross hairs of regulators; the Department of Justice Antitrust Division, the Federal Trade Commission, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently announced the launch of a...more

Algorithmic Pricing – The ‘New Frontier’ of Antitrust Law

Summary - Government antitrust enforcers and plaintiffs’ class action lawyers are increasingly focusing on algorithmic pricing software programs used in various sectors of the real estate market. Driving this focus is...more

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