On October 8, 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 54 (SB 54), Fair Investment Practices by Investment Advisers, which requires venture capital firms to collect and report data on the demographic...more
I. Introduction -
A. Artificial Intelligence Arrives in Everyday Life – The Release of ChatGPT -
Generative AI, which is a type of artificial intelligence that can produce or create new content, has already started to...more
After several rounds of public comment and revision, on April 5, 2023 New York City published final regulations implementing its first-in-the-nation ordinance that regulates the use of AI-driven hiring tools (Local Law 144 of...more
/ Adverse Employment Action ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Bias ,
City of New York ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Final Rules ,
Hiring & Firing ,
Job Applicants ,
Labor Reform ,
Labor Regulations ,
Machine Learning ,
Regulatory Agenda
California continues to take steps to regulate the burgeoning use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other data-driven statistical processes in making consequential decisions, including those related to...more
/ Adverse Employment Action ,
Algorithms ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
California ,
Employees ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Labor Reform ,
Machine Learning ,
Proposed Rules ,
Regulatory Agenda