The USPTO has extended the public comment deadline in order to afford all stakeholders an opportunity to weigh in on the subject matter eligibility of AI inventions....more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Comment Period ,
Deadlines ,
Innovative Technology ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Inventions ,
Inventors ,
Machine Learning ,
Patent Applications ,
Patent Litigation ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Public Comment ,
The Situation: Concerns that uncertain and unpredictable patent subject matter eligibility jurisprudence thwarts U.S. economic and technological advancements are especially acute in the fast advancing AI space. Stakeholders...more
Following similar decisions in other countries, a Japanese court held for the first time on May 16, 2024, that an inventor in the Patent Act is limited to a natural person and does not include an artificial intelligence...more
The Background: In response to the Biden administration's "Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence" on October 30, 2023, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Biden Administration ,
Executive Orders ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Inventions ,
Inventors ,
Joint Inventors ,
New Guidance ,
Patent Act ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Popular ,
Public Comment ,
On August 5, 2022, in Thader v. Vidal, the Federal Circuit affirmed that patent inventors must be natural persons, rejecting a technologist's attempt to name an artificial intelligence as the sole inventor on patent...more
The Situation: Advances in artificial intelligence ("AI") are providing the ability to automatically create and design innovations without human assistance. AI's impact on patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, and other...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Authorship ,
Comment Period ,
Computer-Related Inventions ,
Copyright ,
Copyright Office ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Inventions ,
Inventors ,
Patent Applications ,
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter ,
Patents ,
Popular ,
Public Comment ,
Trade Secrets ,
Trademarks ,
Two recent patent applications seek protection for inventions that were created autonomously by artificial intelligence without a human inventor. The applicants want the AI to be deemed the inventor and the AI's owners to...more
The Situation: Artificial intelligence ("AI") is growing more powerful and gaining application in many areas. AI can now create new innovation on its own, without a human inventor—a capability that will only expand as...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Computer-Related Inventions ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Inventions ,
Inventors ,
Patent Applications ,
Patents ,
Popular ,
Public Comment ,
Young Lawyers