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What Are Some Alternatives to Chapter 11 and How Do They Affect Creditors? - Creditor’s Rights Toolkit

There are many reasons why a company might be experiencing financial distress, including overwhelming debt, cash flow problems, substantial litigation claims, and/or economic downturn. Companies sometimes use Chapter 11 as a...more

What Types of Releases Are Contained in a Chapter 11 Plan, and Do I Have to Agree to Them? - Creditor’s Rights Toolkit

Chapter 11 plans contain various releases – some in favor of the debtor and some in favor of certain nondebtor third parties. While creditors are bound by a Chapter 11 discharge, they have options for dealing with a plan's...more

What Is a Subchapter V Bankruptcy and How Does It Differ From a Traditional Chapter 11 Bankruptcy? - Creditor’s Rights Toolkit

Subchapter V is a subchapter of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code and is intended to be a streamlined, cost-effective path to reorganization for small businesses. However, Subchapter V cases lack some creditor protections...more

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