The fashion and retail industry experienced another year of considerable change in 2023. As advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) spurred innovation within the industry, consumers and regulators worldwide called for...more
/ Acquisitions ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
California ,
Class Action ,
Consumers ,
Copyright Infringement ,
Corporate Transparency Act ,
Due Diligence ,
E-Commerce ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Fabrics ,
Fair Use ,
Fashion Industry ,
FinCEN ,
Forced Labor ,
FTC Act ,
FTC Endorsement Guidelines ,
Initial Public Offering (IPO) ,
Innovation ,
Labor Code ,
Luxury Goods ,
Machine Learning ,
Mergers ,
New Legislation ,
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) ,
Popular ,
Professional Regulators ,
Ransomware ,
Real Estate Market ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Retailers ,
Sustainability ,
The Copyright Act
Artificial intelligence promises to transform the way we live and work and its impact will undoubtedly stretch to every business sector across the globe. This next generation of technology brings exciting possibilities and...more
/ Advertising ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Automotive Industry ,
Biometric Information ,
Clean Energy ,
Clinical Trials ,
Confidentiality Policies ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Diagnostic Imaging Services ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Distribution Rules ,
Driverless Cars ,
Energy Sector ,
Enforcement ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
Ethics ,
Family Offices ,
Fantasy Sports ,
Fashion Industry ,
Fraud and Abuse ,
Greenwashing ,
Healthcare ,
Hospitality Industry ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Labor Regulations ,
Life Sciences ,
Logistics ,
Long-Term Care ,
Machine Learning ,
Medical Devices ,
Medical Research ,
Nonprofits ,
Open Source Software ,
Pharmaceutical Industry ,
Popular ,
Prescription Drugs ,
Privacy Laws ,
Privately Held Corporations ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Renewable Energy ,
Retailers ,
Software ,
Sports ,
Sports Betting ,
Technology Sector ,
Vehicle Navigation Systems
For better or worse, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is already transforming the way we live and work. Retail and fashion companies that fail to embrace AI likely risk losing their current market share or, worse,...more
/ Advertising ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Compensation ,
Confidential Information ,
Data Security ,
Distribution Rules ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Ethics ,
Fashion Design ,
Fashion Industry ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Machine Learning ,
Open Source Software ,
Reliability Standards ,
Retail Market ,
Retailers ,
The Act aims to hold fashion retail sellers and manufacturers accountable for their social and environmental impacts through broad supply chain due diligence and public reporting requirements. The fashion industry recognizes...more