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SEC Asks Court to Put Climate Change Litigation on Hold

As previously reported in our last post, The Fate of the New U.S. Climate Change Rules Under the New Republican Administration, legal challenges to the SEC’s rules mandating extensive new climate change disclosure is ongoing...more

SEC Extends Compliance Date for Short Sale Reporting Rule to 2026

On February 6, 2025, the SEC announced that it was providing a temporary exemption from compliance with Rule 13f-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”), which establishes a mandatory short reporting...more

Climate Reporting in 2025: Looking Ahead

In this alert, we reflect on recent climate reporting updates and analyze expectations for 2025 that are relevant for international businesses....more

Digital Assets:  What to Expect from the Incoming Administration and Congress

The Trump Administration and the new Republican-led Congress are expected to create a friendlier governmental approach to crypto assets. Among other things, key nominees to serve as senior administration officials are known...more

Proskauer Hedge Fund Trading Guide 2024 – Chapter 3: Special Issues under Sections 13(d) and 16 for Hedge Funds

Proskauer’s Practical Guide to the Regulation of Hedge Fund Trading Activities offers a concise, easy-to-read overview of the trading issues and questions we commonly encounter when advising hedge funds and their managers. It...more

The Corporate Transparency Act: The Government Appeals Preliminary Injunction. What To Do Now?

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) requires all corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and many other entities created or registered to do business in any U.S. state to file a beneficial ownership...more

On Procedural Grounds, the 5th Circuit Rules In SEC’s Favor On A Shareholder Proposal; Looking Ahead to Shareholder Proposals...

Last month, the 5th U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in the SEC’s favor in a lawsuit brought by the National Center for Public Policy Research (the “Center”). The Center had submitted a shareholder proposal to The Kroger Company...more

The Fate of the New U.S. Climate Change Rules Under the New Republican Administration; Certain States are Expected to Ramp Up...

It is no secret that the incoming Republican Administration has been skeptical of the federal government’s climate change measures, which brings further uncertainty to the SEC’s new climate change rules (the “Rules”).  To be...more

A Step Closer to CSRD’s Non-EU Group Reporting Standards

On 30 October 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") standards for global groups with a significant European footprint took a notable public step forward. The European Financial Reporting Advisory...more

SEC Continues Enforcement Program Targeting Late Beneficial Ownership Reports

Following its adoption almost one year ago of amended rules accelerating filing deadlines for Schedules 13G and 13D (and the imminent effectiveness of the new deadlines for 13Gs), the SEC has continued to bring enforcement...more

SEC  “Greenwashing” Enforcement  Case Against Public Company

Last week, the SEC publicly announced a settled enforcement case against Keurig Dr. Pepper.  The case focused on the company’s disclosure in its annual reports on Form 10-K on whether its K-Cup pods could (or would) be...more

New filing deadlines for Schedule 13G effective September 30

The deadlines for filing and amending Schedule 13Gs are about to change, and regular 13G amendments will now be due on a quarterly basis instead of annually. As we discussed in our alert last fall (available here), in...more

Supreme Court Curtails Agency Power By Overturning Chevron Deference

On June 28, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling overturning “Chevron deference,” a tool for interpreting ambiguous statutes administered by administrative agencies. The 40-year-old Chevron doctrine held...more

Proskauer Hedge Fund Trading Guide 2024 – Chapter 2: Insider Trading: Focus on Subtle and Complex Issues

Proskauer’s Hedge Fund Trading Guide offers a concise, easy-to-read overview of the trading issues and questions we commonly encounter when advising hedge funds and their managers. It is written not only for lawyers, but also...more

New T+1 Settlement Cycle Takes Effect May 28th

The SEC’s new rules imposing a T + 1 settlement cycle for most securities transactions take effect on May 28, 2024. The previous default settlement cycle had been T + 2. For firm commitment offerings priced after 4:30 p.m....more

SEC Voluntarily Stays Corporate ESG Disclosure Rules Pending Litigation           

Yesterday, the SEC voluntarily stayed its new ESG disclosure rules for public companies pending the outcome of several lawsuits that have been filed, which are now consolidated in the 8th Circuit US Court of Appeals. We...more

Proskauer Hedge Fund Trading Guide 2024 – Chapter 1: When Passive Investors Drift Into Activist Status

Proskauer’s Hedge Fund Trading Guide offers a concise, easy-to-read overview of the trading issues and questions we commonly encounter when advising hedge funds and their managers. It is written not only for lawyers, but also...more

Primarily Non-Financial Corporate Reporting: Climate Change

Version 2.0 following publication of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Climate-Related Disclosure Rules - A wave of new legislation and regulation in the U.S. and Europe has the potential to significantly...more

Special Report: Primarily Non-Financial Corporate Reporting: Climate Change

Version 2.0 following publication of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Climate-Related Disclosure Rules - A wave of new legislation and regulation in the U.S. and Europe has the potential to...more

Court Temporarily Stays New SEC Climate Change Disclosure Rules Amidst Widening Legal Challenges

Multiple legal challenges have already been launched against the SEC’s new climate change disclosure rules. Plaintiffs include Attorneys General from several states, a large business trade organization and a private energy...more

SEC Settlement Highlights Risks for 13G Filers When Moving from Passive to Active Status

The SEC’s recent enforcement settlement involving a fund manager highlights the SEC’s focus on an investor’s “control purpose” triggering the requirement to file on a Schedule 13D as opposed to a short-form 13G. At issue was...more

The SEC Adopts Extensive Climate Change Disclosure Rules

Two years after proposing rules on climate change disclosure, the SEC has adopted new rules, predictably by a split 3-2 vote. The adopted rules maintain the core of the original proposals, requiring that both domestic...more

Special Report: Primarily Non-Financial Corporate Reporting for U.S. Companies - Where to Start?

A wave of new legislation and regulation in the U.S. and Europe has the potential to significantly impact the non-financial reporting obligations of U.S. companies. With the myriad of requirements overlaid with varying...more

SEC Adopts New SPAC Rules

On January 24, 2024, the SEC adopted new rules that apply to SPAC transactions and the adopted rules largely track the agency’s proposals with some notable exceptions. The new rules will become effective 125 days after...more

The SEC’s New Corporate Buy-Back Rules Have Been Formally Vacated By the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals: Issuers May Suspend...

On December 19, 2023, the Fifth Circuit formally vacated the SEC’s buy-back disclosure rules. While it is unclear what, if any, action the SEC may take in response to this definitive ruling, the realistic options appear to be...more

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