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Developers Beware: Difficult Multi-Step Process for Obtaining and Cashing In On Appeal Bonds

Porter v. Bd. of Appeal of Bos., No. 22-P-974, 2024 WL 187241 (Mass. App. Ct. Jan. 18, 2024). The case of Porter v. Bd. of Appeal of Boston is the latest case that involves an eternal question posed by developers: how...more

Difficult Multi-Step Process for Obtaining and Cashing In On Appeal Bonds

Porter v. Bd. of Appeal of Bos., No. 22-P-974, 2024 WL 187241 (Mass. App. Ct. Jan. 18, 2024). The case of Porter v. Bd. of Appeal of Boston is the latest case that involves an eternal question posed by developers: how does...more

Those Appealing Zoning Board Decisions Must Comply With 20-Day Period

Griffin v. Melrose MA Plan. Bd., No. 23 MISC 000277 (KTS), 2024 WL 146450 (Mass. Land Ct. Jan. 12, 2024) - In Griffin v. Melrose MA Plan. Bd., pro se plaintiff David Griffin (“Griffin”) appealed a decision of the Melrose...more

Law of the Land - Real Estate Litigation Newsletter - August 2022, Volume I, Issue XIV

CASES OF NOTE - GRAVE MATTERS: THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTIES CONTAINING BURIAL SITES - Church of the Holy Spirit of Wayland v. Heinrich, 2022 WL 1419702, 101 Mass. App. Ct. 32 (2022)....more

Law of the Land - Real Estate Litigation Newsletter - May 2022, Volume I, Issue XIII

CASES OF NOTE - FINALIZE BUILDING PLANS EARLY ON TO AVOID DELAYS - St. Paul's Foundation v. Ives, 29F.4th 32, 33 (1st Cir. 2022) - A recent decision out of the First Circuit Court of Appeals emphasizes the...more

Law of the Land - Real Estate Litigation Newsletter - March 2022, Volume I, Issue XII

CASES OF NOTE - SIMILAR PROJECTS, DIFFERENT DECISIONS - Brossi, et al. v. Town of Grafton Planning Board, et al., No. 19 MISC 000551 (MDV), 2021 WL 5833935 (Mass. Land Ct. Dec. 9, 2021) - The Massachusetts Land...more

Law of the Land - Real Estate Litigation Newsletter - December 2021, Volume I, Issue XI

CASES OF NOTE - LIMITATIONS FACING PLAINTIFFS UNDER CHAPTER 40A - Doyle v. Zoning Board of Appeals of City of Attleboro, No. 20 MISC 000386 (DRR), 2021 WL 5037871 (Mass. Land Ct. Oct. 29, 2021)...more

Law of the Land - Real Estate Litigation Newsletter - August 2020, Volume I, Issue II

Trending Now: Massachusetts SJC Ruling: Good News for Owners and Developers - The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts issued a written decision in Murchison v. Zoning Board of Appeals of Sherborn, et al. (SJC-12867) on...more

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