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Delaware Supreme Court Reverses Chancery Court and Applies Business Judgment Review to Reincorporation

Controlled companies and their directors appealed the denial of their motions to dismiss claims by stockholder-plaintiffs challenging the conversions of the companies from Delaware to Nevada corporations....more

U.S. Supreme Court Bars Liability for "Pure Omissions" Under Section 10(b) of Securities Exchange Act

The United States Supreme Court in Macquarie Infrastructure Corp. v. Moab Partners, L.P., No. 22-1165, ruled that a corporation is not liable under Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 for...more

Court of Chancery Applies Entire Fairness Standard to Conversion of Delaware Corporation to Nevada Corporation

TripAdvisor and its controlling corporation, both publicly traded Delaware companies, announced plans to convert to Nevada corporations. Shareholders sued to enjoin the conversions, alleging that the boards of directors had...more

2023 Securities Litigation Year in Review

During 2023, securities lawsuit filings rose for the first time in four years. Settlements declined last year; there were nine mega-settlements of more than $100 million, including a $1 billion settlement. Case filings...more

Court Grants Starbucks Corporation's Motion to Dismiss Advocacy Group's Complaint Targeting DEI Initiatives

A Washington federal judge dismissed challenges to Starbucks's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ("DEI") policies in a strongly worded opinion, making clear that politics don't belong in his courtroom....more

Second Circuit Provides Valuable Guidance on Application of the Supreme Court's Price-Impact "Mismatch" Framework

In Short - The Situation: The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently decertified a class of stockholders who alleged that Goldman Sachs maintained an inflated share price by making...more

Federal Court Grants the SEC Limited Access to the Identities of Law Firm Clients Impacted by a Cyberattack

In Short - The Situation: Following a cyberattack on a law firm's systems, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") subpoenaed the firm for information, including the identity of clients whose information may have...more

Delaware Chancery Requires Supplemental Disclosures Be "Material" for Mootness Fee Awards

In Short - The Situation: The Delaware Court of Chancery recently held that supplemental disclosures must be "material" to warrant mootness fees in litigation challenging the disclosures for M&A transactions. Anderson v....more

Supreme Court: Even in a Direct Listing, Section 11 Requires Plaintiffs to Trace Shares to Registration Statement - The Court's...

A unanimous Supreme Court has confirmed that a claim brought under section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 ("1933 Act") requires that a plaintiff plead and prove that the shares purchased were issued pursuant to an allegedly...more

SEC Fines Company $3 Million for Allegedly Misleading Cyberattack Disclosures

Asserting that the company misstated the scope of data stolen in the cyberattack, the SEC provides a clear reminder that cybersecurity disclosures remain an agency priority....more

Your Company Has Been Sued for Securities Fraud—Now What?

According to the Stanford Law School/Cornerstone Research Securities Class Action Clearinghouse, each year since 2001, with just one exception (2006), investors have filed more than 150 securities fraud class actions in the...more

2022 Securities Litigation Year in Review

During 2022, securities case filings fell for the fourth consecutive year and were down slightly from 2021. The number of announced settlements rose substantially last year, as did total settlement amounts. The 2022...more

2021 Securities Litigation Year in Review

During 2021, securities case filings fell for the second consecutive year and, for the first time since 2016, fewer than 300 federal securities class actions were filed. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the number of announced...more

U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies the Permissible Evidence and Burdens at Class Certification in Securities-Fraud Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court held that courts should consider the generic nature of a misrepresentation when assessing price impact in securities-fraud suits and that defendants bear the burden of persuasion to prove a lack of...more

2020 Securities Litigation Year in Review

2020 was another active year for securities litigation in the United States. Federal securities class actions continued to be filed at record levels notwithstanding the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, a number of those newly...more

Delaware Court Ruling Raises Privilege Concerns for Communications With Outside Directors

The Situation: Use by outside directors of non-company email accounts or other non-secure platforms to conduct board business risks waiver of the board's privilege. Even if the privilege is maintained, use of such an account...more

Delaware Chancery Court Addresses Directors’ Duty to Monitor Mission-Critical Regulatory Compliance

The Situation: Directors of a biopharmaceutical company face potential liability where they knew—or should have known—that the company was not complying with regulations governing a matter of critical importance to the...more

Delaware Supreme Court Reinforces Directors’ Oversight Obligations on Mission-Critical Subjects

The Situation: Directors of Blue Bell Creameries USA, Inc. ("Blue Bell") were sued for breach of fiduciary duty following a lethal listeria outbreak in its ice cream facilities. Applying the duty of oversight first...more

U.S. Supreme Court: Plaintiffs May Not Piggyback Successive Class Actions Beyond Statute of Limitations

When does time run out on filing a class action? Under the U.S. Supreme Court's seminal decisions in American Pipe & Construction Co. v. Utah and Crown, Cork & Seal Co. v. Parker, a timely class complaint tolls the statute of...more

Supreme Court Rules on State Court Jurisdiction over Securities Act Lawsuits

In recent years, plaintiffs increasingly have challenged initial public offerings by filing securities class actions in state courts, especially California, due to an unsettled jurisdictional question. In Cyan, Inc. v. Beaver...more

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