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First Circuit Adopts “But-For” Causation Standard for False Claims Act Cases Based on Anti-Kickback Statute Violations

In United States v. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the First Circuit joined the emerging majority view that False Claims Act (FCA) claims based on violations of the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) require a showing of “but-for”...more

EnforceMintz — Scienter, Causation, and Constitutional Questions: 2024’s Three Key FCA Litigation Issues

In 2024, federal courts issued a number of important decisions in False Claims Act (FCA) cases that are particularly noteworthy for the health care and life sciences industries. We focus here on decisions that further develop...more

EnforceMintz — Practical Lessons Learned from FCA Litigation in 2023

In 2023, the Supreme Court and the United States Courts of Appeals published a number of significant decisions with implications for entities in the health care and life science industries facing False Claims Act (FCA)...more

Courts Continue to Grapple with the Causation Standard for False Claims Act Suits Based on Alleged Kickback Schemes, While the...

A recent Massachusetts Federal District Court decision adds to divergent opinions deciding an important health care enforcement question: what causation standard applies to a False Claims Act (FCA) case based on a violation...more

The Sixth Circuit Adopts Narrow Interpretations of “Causation” and “Remuneration” for False Claims Act Suits Based on Alleged...

On March 28, 2023, the Sixth Circuit issued an important False Claims Act (“FCA”) decision in U.S. ex rel. Shannon Martin, et al. v. Darren Hathaway, et al., No. 22-1463, which (1) adopted a “but-for” causation standard for...more

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