Latest Posts › Takings Clause


Supreme Court Finds Fifth Amendment Taking in State Regulation Granting Access to Private Property

In a major victory for property owners facing state and local land use regulation, the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled 6-3 that a California regulation granting union organizers the right to access private property is a...more

Supreme Court Overrules Requirement that Takings Claims be Filed in State Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that property owners with a claim that local or State government has taken their property without paying for it may now bring those claims in federal court. In Knick v. Scott Township, No....more

Supreme Court Poised to Overrule Requirement that Takings Claims be Filed In State Court

Signaling a possible sea change in takings law, the United States Supreme Court has accepted for review the Third Circuit’s decision in Rose Mary Knick v. Scott Township, Pennsylvania, 862 F.3d 310 (3d Cir. 2017), cert....more

The Supreme Court Makes a Mess of Takings Law

On June 23, the Supreme Court finally addressed directly the frequently posed question: When considering the claimed taking of a property interest by government regulation, what is the affected property to be considered? All...more

Supreme Court Puts Its “Takings Law” Foot Down

In Horne I, the Supreme Court held that a property owner, facing a governmental enforcement action, can assert as a defense that the action effects a “taking” of one’s property (here, a raisin crop) “without just...more

California Raisins Ripening (Again) in the Supreme Court’s Sun

Takings law is complicated enough but leave it to the frequently reversed U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit to twist it out of shape so much as to dare the Supreme Court to reverse it not just once but twice in the...more

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