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California Senate Bill 399: Captive Audience Law Challenged in Federal Lawsuit

As of January 1, 2025, Senate Bill (SB) 399, the California Worker Freedom from Employment Intimidation Act (the Act), prohibits employers from subjecting or threatening to subject employees to discrimination, retaliation,...more

2024 California Labor, Employment, and Independent Contractor Legislative Update

With the 2024 California legislative year closed, it is once again time to summarize the new legislation that will affect businesses operating within California and highlight relevant action items related to this legislation....more

California Significantly Amends Private Attorneys’ General Act

Over the years, California’s Private Attorneys General Act of 2004 (PAGA) has provided a procedurally convenient means for employees to seek expansive penalties for employers’ alleged violations of California’s very technical...more

Valentine’s Day Marks Compliance Deadline for California Noncompete Notification Requirement

For some time now, California law has generally prohibited employers from entering into post-employment noncompete agreements with employees unless an exception applies. The basis for this prohibition is found in Section...more

New California State Law Addresses Noncompete Agreements

As most companies are aware, absent specific exceptions, under California Business and Professions Code (Code) Section 16600, California generally prohibits employers from entering into contracts with employees that preclude...more

Deadline Looms Under California Pay Data and Disclosure Law

Though other aspects of California’s pay data reporting law, SB 1162 (codified in Government Code section 12999), became effective January 1, 2023, one requirement of the new law comes due May 10, 2023. In addition to...more

Time To Update Arbitration Agreements—Mandatory Arbitration Is Again Permissible in California

California employers with employees and job applicants subject to the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) can once again require such individuals to sign arbitration agreements as a condition of employment. On February 15,...more

California COVID-19 Employment Regulations Extended Through 2023

In 2022, California again passed assembly bills related to COVID-19. The recent legislation extended some employer obligations while easing others. Touching upon many topics, these bills address supplemental paid sick leave,...more

San Francisco’s New Public Health Emergency Law Creates Mandatory Paid Leave

Beginning October 1, 2022, when a public health emergency is in place, businesses with 100 or more employees worldwide must provide up to 80 hours of paid Public Health Emergency Leave (PHEL) each calendar year to each...more

US Supreme Court Cracks the Door Slightly Open for Arbitration of PAGA Claims

California’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) is a statute that authorizes employees to bring an action for civil penalties on behalf of the state against an employer for Labor Code violations committed against the...more

CA Court Confirms Employers Must Timely Pay and Report Meal Period Premiums or Face Additional Penalties

The California Supreme Court, on May 23, 2022, issued a seminal opinion in Naranjo v. Spectrum Security Services, Inc., which found that employees can recover penalties for failure to timely pay wages at termination and...more

Rare Employer Victory in CA Misclassification Case

A unanimous three-judge panel reached a decision in the case of Bijon Hill v. Walmart. Last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed that Walmart classified a freelance model, Bijon Hill, as an...more

2021 California Labor, Employment, and Independent Contractor Legislative Update

With the 2021 California legislative year closed, it is now time to examine the new legislation that will affect California companies. We have summarized the key new legislation below, with relevant action items noted....more

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