Each month, Kelley Drye’s Communications Group offers this reminder of upcoming filing deadlines that may affect our clients.
The following are reminders for upcoming Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reports and...more
General -
• On December 23, 2022, FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel named six members of the Board of Directors of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) in a Public Notice (DA 22-1365....more
Upcoming Action -
Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Section 60104(c)), by the middle of August 2022 (270 days after the November 15th date of enactment), the FCC is required to issue a...more
Recent News -
Lifeline / Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) -
• On May 25, 2022, the WCB released a Public Notice (DC 22-569) seeking comment on petition filed by Blue Casa Telephone, LLC requesting a waiver of the...more
Recent News -
General (Including Non-USF Programs) -
On April 4, 2022, the transition from the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number to the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) took place. The FCC via Public Notice...more
Recent News -
General (Including Non-USF Programs) -
March 17 marked the deadline to file reply comments in the Report on the Future of the Universal Service Fund proceeding....more
Each month, Kelley Drye’s Communications Group offers this reminder of upcoming filing deadlines that may affect our clients. Please review the deadlines below and contact us if you have any questions...more
A New Wave of Audits Is Coming -
Routine auditing has always been an integral part of USAC’s oversight of the Universal Service Programs. However, our close watch of the USAC Board meetings (see our quarterly update...more
The Future of the Universal Service Fund (part 2) -
Last month, we discussed trends in funding for universal service programs, noting that recently Congress has appropriated some funds directly for USF-like purposes, such...more
Commentary -
Are we seeing a once in a generation shift in our approach to Universal Service? For years, the FCC has administered the USF, overseeing four programs designed to bring connectivity to rural areas, to target...more
Please be reminded of the upcoming due dates for the Reports listed below:
Form 499-Q: Quarterly Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet -
Carriers providing interstate and international telecommunications that are...more
Recent News -
General (Including Non-USF Programs) -
On September 27, the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) announced via Public Notice (DA 21-1207) that the application filing window for the Secure and Trusted...more
Recent News -
General (Including Non-USF Programs) -
On August 20, the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) issued a Public Notice (DA 21-1027) seeking nominations for six board member positions on Universal Service...more
ECF Summary -
On May 10, 2021, the FCC unanimously adopted final rules in a Report and Order to implement the $7.17 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund Program (ECF Program or Fund). The ECF Program is a fund that enables...more
Commentary -
In March, the FCC and USAC worked hard to stand up the first of three pandemic-related special programs, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP). Rules for the $3.2 billion EBBP were adopted in February...more
Commentary -
2021 is well underway and the new leadership at the FCC is taking shape. While we don’t yet know who will fill the Chair on a permanent basis, the FCC under Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel is proceeding without...more
Looking Ahead to the New Administration -
With the election behind us, this month we will preview some of the possible changes Universal Service could see in the Biden administration. First, and most significantly, we...more
Recent News -
Contributions -
On October 9, 2020, the FCC released an Order (FCC-20-142) further addressing the treatment of private line revenues under the USF program. The FCC affirmed the 2017 Private Line Order, in...more
Recent News -
General -
On September 14, 2020, the FCC’s Office of Managing Director (OMD) issued a Public Notice (DA 20-1075) announcing that the proposed universal service contribution factor for the fourth quarter...more
Commentary -
As we were finalizing this month’s Tracker, USAC held its quarterly board meeting for July. This is the second quarterly board meeting to be held since the COVID-19 restrictions were implemented and USAC...more
Commentary -
Over three months into the coronavirus-related disruptions, the Universal Service Fund seems to be settling in to a new normal. The FCC acted quickly in March to waive many rules and extend deadlines. These...more
On March 10, Kelley Drye held its Annual webinar on the state of the Universal Service Fund. We gave an overview of trends in the Fund, discussed the importance of creating an ethics and compliance plan ahead...more
We were tempted to title this edition “RDOF Takes Off,” as this is the biggest USF news of the month. The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund is the latest in the FCC’s attempts to revamp the High Cost program to...more
Our first USF Tracker of 2020 follows an uptick in FCC activity affecting the Universal Service Fund. In the last quarter of 2019, the FCC released major orders affecting three of the four programs (E-rate,...more
For this month, we want to spotlight the significant new oversight tasks assigned to USAC by the FCC. True, there is plenty under the ordinary administrative function of reviewing and approving applications...more