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USF Tracker - October 2, 2019

COMMENTARY - Now comes the hard part. We’ve noted that the FCC has been setting the table for changes to all of its beneficiary programs, while contributions reform looms. But now, the FCC needs to start deciding the...more

USF Tracker - August 2019 #2

COMMENTARY - If you took a long holiday this summer and, upon your return, asked, “What did I miss?” the answer in USF would be, “quite a lot.” It has been a busy summer and is setting up for a busy finish to the year. ...more

USF Tracker - August 2019

RECENT NEWS - Schools and Libraries (E-Rate) - On July 9, 2019, the FCC released an NPRM that proposes to make the Category Two budget approach permanent, and seeks comment on potential modifications that could simplify...more

USF Tracker - June 28, 2019

KELLEY DRYE COMMENTARY - Much of the activity this month focused on the FCC’s controversial proposal to establish an overall cap to the Universal Service Fund. Stakeholders aligned to oppose the proposal, while...more

USF Tracker - May 2019

KELLEY DRYE COMMENTARY - In a month with only one minor Commission-level USF item, one of the most significant things to watch may be Commissioner O’Rielly’s questioning of USAC over possible use of USF money to overbuild...more

USF Tracker - April 2019

Schools and Libraries (E-Rate) Lifeline High Cost/Connect America Fund (CAF) Rural Health Care This list covers appeals filed on or after January 1, 2016.  Pending appeals filed before January 2016 are not included....more

USF Tracker - March 14, 2019

Kelley Drye Commentary - Welcome to the premier issue of the Kelley Drye Communications Group’s newest publication, the USF Tracker. The Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) is a sprawling $8 billion per year set of...more

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