Seyfarth Synopsis: The Tenth Circuit further clarifies The Rehabilitation Act while making it even harder to get rid of failure to accommodate claims at the summary judgment stage; FEHA and ADA implications may follow....more
Seyfarth Synopsis: California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an Executive Order suspending some Cal-WARN Act obligations, attempting to ease struggling employers’ obligations in the face of COVID-19; but note that employers...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: News Flash: “Caveat Propraetor” or “Proprietor Beware” might soon replace “Eureka” as the state motto of California. ...more
Seyfarth synopsis: Companies contemplating a mass layoff must comply with the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. In California, alas, companies must also consider the even more stringent requirements...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: Like the Federal WARN Act, California’s WARN Act (Cal-WARN) requires employers to notify employees of certain covered layoffs that will affect them. The California Court of Appeal has now confirmed that...more
/ Back Pay ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Litigation ,
Furloughs ,
Hiring & Firing ,
Layoff Notices ,
Layoffs ,
Notice Requirements ,
Summary Judgment ,
Unions ,
Wage and Hour ,
Perhaps signaling the importance of the issue for American businesses and jurisprudence, the U.S. Supreme Court? chose the first day of its term beginning in October as the date to set oral arguments in three petitions for...more
/ Arbitration ,
Arbitration Agreements ,
Class Action ,
Class Action Arbitration Waivers ,
Employment Contract ,
Epic Systems Corp v Lewis ,
Ernst & Young v Morris ,
Murphy Oil v NLRB ,
Popular ,