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FTC Imposes Record Fine on Texas Energy Companies for HSR "Gun Jumping"

During antitrust review between M&A signing and closing, HSR rules restrict an acquiror from beginning to control the target's business....more

The Hammer Falls: U.S. Antitrust Agencies Issue Final Antitrust Merger Guidelines

As expected, the final guidelines expand the types of transactions that may receive heightened scrutiny or result in a merger challenge....more

DOJ and FTC Radically Revise Antitrust Merger Guidelines: FAQs for Business

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division (“DOJ”) recently introduced proposed revisions to the existing merger guidelines. The new draft guidelines, if enacted in a form similar...more

Federal Agencies Coordinate Action Against Celsius for Fraud and Manipulation

In Short - The Situation: In parallel federal actions, the Department of Justice ("DOJ"), Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC"), and Federal Trade Commission ("FTC")...more

DOJ Brings First Criminal Monopolization Case in 50 Years

A plea deal with a paving contractor follows the Department of Justice Antitrust Division's ("DOJ") threat to resurrect criminal enforcement of the Sherman Act § 2 prohibition on monopolization and attempted monopolization....more

Saudi Antitrust Regulator Blocks First Acquisition Under New Merger Control Law

Saudi Arabia competition authority blocks its first transaction under the Kingdom's 2019 Competition Law. The Saudi Arabian General Authority for Competition ("GAC") announced this week that its board had blocked Delivery...more

FTC Resurrects Unilateral Preapproval in Merger Investigation Settlements to Halt Future "Anticompetitive" M&A

What Is the FTC's New "Prior Approval" Policy? At the end of an FTC investigation into the competitive impact of a merger, the agency may (i) take no action (allowing the parties to close), (ii) challenge the transaction...more

FTC Signals Aggressive Antitrust Policy as Part of Government Pro-Enforcement Agenda

Expansion of FTC's Interpretation of Its Antitrust Enforcement Authority -The Commission majority has reinvigorated a longstanding but dormant debate about the bounds of the FTC's authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act....more

DOJ Continues Labor Market Scrutiny with Another Corporate Indictment

Indictment is DOJ's second recently filed in the North District of Texas. The Department of Justice ("DOJ") has brought a criminal indictment against a corporate defendant for agreeing with competitors not to solicit...more

Antitrust Alert: Texas Court Dismisses Antitrust Claims on First Amendment Grounds

Last week, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas dismissed antitrust claims against Easi-Set Industries. Plaintiff Tricon Precast claimed Easi-Set violated the Sherman Act and Texas Antitrust Act when it...more

Insights from the Supreme Court’s Apple v. Pepper Antitrust Decision

In May 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 5–4 decision in Apple v. Pepper, one of the Court's most significant antitrust rulings of the last several years. In a majority opinion authored by Justice Kavanaugh, the Court...more

Antitrust Alert: FTC Merger Settlement Exposes Rift Over Antitrust Merger Enforcement

The Federal Trade Commission, by a 3-2 party-line vote, has settled a vertical merger challenge in exchange for the merging companies' behavioral commitments. The decision and Commissioner statements signal tension for FTC...more

U.S. Antitrust Agencies Introduce Reforms to Speed Up Merger Reviews

The Trump Administration leadership at the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission have announced reforms regarding merger reviews. This Jones Day White Paper reviews these reforms and their strategic...more

Antitrust Alert: First Successful Private Antitrust Merger Challenge Leads to Divestiture Order

A federal district court has ordered a defendant in private antitrust litigation to divest a manufacturing plant following a competitor's merger challenge. Although the decision is certain to be appealed, it may embolden...more

DOJ Announces Merger Process Reforms: Déjà Vu All Over Again?

The Situation: Between 2013 and 2017, the average length of a U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") Antitrust Division merger review increased 65 percent to 10.8 months. The Response: DOJ announced reforms to improve...more

Antitrust Alert: Court Rejects DOJ Antitrust Challenge to AT&T/Time Warner

After eighteen months of investigation and litigation, a federal district court has rejected the Justice Department's challenge to AT&T's $108 billion acquisition of Time Warner Inc. Although the government could appeal, the...more

FTC Warns Parties on Information Exchanges During M&A Due Diligence

The Situation: The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") recently published a blog post reminding merging parties to avoid creating antitrust liability through the exchange of competitively sensitive information during merger...more

Antitrust Alert: ACCC Pushes for General Safety Provision on Sale and Marketing of Products

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has announced product safety priorities for 2018. A key priority is for the Commission to work towards the introduction of a General Safety provision within the...more

DOJ Toughens Antitrust Consent Decree Enforcement

The Situation: The U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division ("DOJ") has adopted new terms in recent consent decrees that enhance DOJ's ability to enforce its settlements, most importantly by lowering the evidentiary...more

Appeals Court Rejects DOJ Expansive Interpretation of Music Consent Decree

The Background: Since 1941, performing rights organizations ("PROs"), which pool the copyrights held by a work's composer, songwriter, and publisher and collectively license those rights to music users, have been subject to...more

ACCC Increases Enforcement of Consumer Guarantees Against Airlines

The Situation: Following consumer complaints, the Australian Competition and Consumer Regulator ("ACCC") has released a report reminding airlines of obligations when dealing with the flying public. Looking Ahead: The ACCC...more

Antitrust Bills Seek to Thwart Mega Mergers and Expand Antitrust Enforcement

In Short - The Situation: Democrats have proposed legislation that would make it easier for antitrust agencies to challenge mergers. - The Background: This announcement followed a proposal made in August, known as the "Better...more

State Attorneys General Vigilant on Price Gouging Following Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

Many states have prohibitions on price gouging that go into effect during states of emergency. In this hurricane season, seven U.S. states and territories have declared emergencies. The Impact: Although hurricanes often...more

"Better Deal" Legislative Proposal Would Overhaul U.S. Antitrust Merger Review

A number of Democrats in Congress have proposed to revamp U.S. antitrust law with a "Better Deal" economic plan. The proposed legislation takes aim at large corporations and includes measures that are at odds with decades of...more

Antitrust Alert: FTC Merger Remedies Report Signals Tougher Enforcement

The Federal Trade Commission staff have completed a new study evaluating its process for designing and implementing merger remedies and the success of the remedies it has imposed in the past. Its report—"The FTC's Merger...more

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